Monday already?

June 30, 2003 by Tim

Sometimes days just fly by.

Only a couple of mentions for you today. First, due to my little comment regarding Neverwinter Nights on Saturday, I’ve had a couple of people saying they were interested in forming a regular role playing group as well. Basically we want to form a small group of roleplayers, to meet regularly for NWN gaming sessions.

Now, before you email me, make sure you fit the following criteria: No dial-up users. Sorry guys, but we need steady games that can focus on the fun, not on people dropping out on us.

You must be able to commit to a regular gaming schedule, ie: meeting on the same night at the same time every week.

We need players and a DM. Or people who do both, and would like to take turns playing Dungeon Master.

Experience is required if you want to DM. Actually, for that matter, experience is required if you want to join the group, period. You must be mature,and comfortable with roleplaying, and doing it well.

Now, if you still feel you are interested, drop me an email. Fair warning… we only need a small group, and this site reaches a lot of people, so we can’t accept everyone.

But for the rest of you, we do have a Ctrl+Alt+Del gaming clan section that operates from our forums. Go register and sign up for access to the clan section, and start finding fellow CAD readers to game with.

Also, ConnectiCon is approaching fast, and many of you know that I’ll be attending as an exhibitor. The time immediately surrounding the weekend of the convention is going to be incredibly hectic for me, making last minute preparations and whatnot.

I have decided to use this time to take my last break from the strip for the year, and hold Ctrl+Alt+Del’s first ever official guest strip week. I’ve already got a few of the slots filled, but if you’re interested in drawing a guest strip, email me with your name, the name of your comic strip, and if possible, your rendition of someone from the CAD Cast. I prefer they be done in your art style, rather than just copying mine.

Only a few rules for this… NO sprite comics, and only artists with an established web comic may apply.

For any other artists though, feel free to submit Fan Art. If I get enough submissions, I’ll create a section to display them all in.

The last announcement involved a bonus strip that everyone gets this week. I will be putting up an extra comic on Thursday, so make sure you check back then. I’ll announce the reasoning behind this in Thursday’s news post.

And in closing, go buy a Ctrl+Alt+Del poster. Depending how sales do at ConnectiCon, I may or may not be reprinting this poster, so get your pre-order in soon.

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