Over and done with

December 27, 2004 by Tim

I hope everyone had a happy holiday. I got to spend at least a little bit of time with all of my family and closest friends. Overall, a good time was had.

I’ll take some more picture of the Xbot statue later on, as per many requests.

Winter-een-mas is right around the corner, and as most of you should know, it’s a big deal here at CAD. I’m going to be spending a lot of time this week putting together a definitive source of information about the holiday, as well as gearing up for next month’s festivities.

If you wanted a 2005 Winter-een-mas shirt, they will only be available for pre-order from the store until January 3rd. After that, you’re pretty much out of luck.

Ignore the fact that it says the shirts are out of stock. It says that because the shirts aren’t in stock… they haven’t even been printed yet. This is a pre-order deal only.

If you are not a Canadian resident and you want to make sure you receive this shirt for Winter-een-mas, we recommand that you avoid the shipping methods named “Small Packets Surface” and “Small Packets Air”. Shipping can be expensive, and there is not much we can do about it. In 2005 we will be examining all of our options to find a way to offer you the best service for the best price.

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