PlanetSide and Reviews

May 25, 2003 by Tim

Well I bought Planetside, along with a massive Saitek joystick. I’m looking forward to giving them both a good test, although in reinstalling windows I had to wipe out my Linux partition, just because Windows is a bitch like that. This has had consequences, which I will mention below.

For those who pay attention to my rants, you’ll know that I’ve been looking for new reviewers. Well, first off I am incredibly impressed with the amount of our readers who want to contribute to our little reviews section, I got a lot of applications via email and in our own CAD chatroom. I’ve sorted through the applications, and I’ve spoken with a few people on coming on as official reviewers. Now heres the consequence of wiping out my linux partition. I have lost the email addresses of all those who I accepted, so if I talked to you about it, even if I didn’t write you an acceptance letter, write me again at [email protected] I’m not taking any more applications at this point, but I’m really confident we’ll have some great stuff coming through the Reviews section in the future

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