Short and sweet

February 20, 2006 by Tim

I know it’s Monday, but it’s going to be a short and simple newspost for now. Things are pretty busy around here. We’re doing some work on the website, so if something goes wonky, just sit tight. It should be fixed shortly. I am also making an effort to finish fleshing out all the areas of the website that were pushed to the back burner after the redesign, like the Bios and Convention reports.

We’ll also have some new t-shirts going up for sale soon, and I need to work on that today as well.

The most important bit of info I need to get out to you today is about Digital Overload. If you’ve registered, we need you to go to the website, login and fill out some information before you show up on the 10th. This is mandatory.

Digital Overload is only seventeen days away now. Things so far have been going very smoothly, and I want them to continue moving smoothly right through the end of the event. With hundreds of gamers showing up on Friday with all of their gear, we want to make registration as fast as possible for everyone. Nobody likes standing around in line. So fill out that information on the website before you show up.

Also, I hear the hotels are almost full for Saturday night, so move on that soon as well.

The Ctrl+Alt+Del Animation continues to be a smashing success. The pilot episode is already up, and the second episode will be launching in early March, and there are a bunch of other goodies for subscribers. So take advantage of our discounted rate (expires March 1st) and sign up for a year of animated goodness!

I mentioned a week or two ago that I really disliked RF Online. It’s a shame because I was really pulling for that game too. Some of you wanted more details, so I’ll try and get into that later today.

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