
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Webcomic appreciation?

December 15, 2004 by Tim

So I woke up to no less than six hundred emails with the premise of “Webcomic Appreciation”. Apparently Hawk over at Applegeeks put up some rant concerning how people don’t have a right to bitch and moan about webcomics, because they are put up for free. I’ve been told he also suggested that everyone email […]

Holidays and more

December 14, 2004 by Tim

I’m working on two Winter-een-mas shirt designs for this year, which I hope to have available for pre-order soon. We will only be taking pre-orders for this shirt, and Winter-een-mas shirts will only be available once a year, right around the holiday. Keep an eye here because as soon as they’re ready for sale, I’ll […]


December 10, 2004 by Tim

So here’s the funny thing that happened. By all scientific accounts, I can practically guarantee that there was a yesterday. Guarantee it. I remember a Wednesday, and I see that the little internal clock on my computer says that today is Friday. So obviously Thursday happened, right? It didn’t just go on vacation and decide […]

Bottle Capped

December 8, 2004 by Tim

People have started receiving their new CAD shirts and they absolutely love them. They turned out really well. The shirts are now shipping but you’d have to order soon in order to get them in time for christmas. Also, there are a few of the old t-shirt designs available in the clearance section. These shirts […]

Late News

December 6, 2004 by Tim

There was no news post today because I had to get up early and drive my roommate to the hospital for his scheduled hernia surgery, so that took up about 6 hours of my day. Now I’ve gotta get to work, so I’ll just post some news later on tonight or tomorrow morning.

Organization works!

December 3, 2004 by Tim

This was a very good week. At the recommendation of a reader, I’ve started using Time & Chaos, a daily planner program that has helped me organize work. It’s a very, very simple system, but it makes things much more manageable. Every day I wake up and I have a task list of things I […]

The contest is over!

December 2, 2004 by Tim

Holy crap that was fast. I’m glad I used an alternate email address, because I woke up to over 2000 contest entries this morning. 2000 emails in the short 6 hours while I was sleeping. Sheesh. I was surprised how many people actually sat down and submitted every one of the 40 race/class combinations. I […]

Contest is over, see below. Thanks for entering everyone! So remember that Ngage game I was testing, Pocket Kingdom? Well, I have come into possession of a whole box full of t-shirts courtesy of Sega. They are black, Hanes 100% cotton tees, with “I

Missed a couple

December 1, 2004 by Tim

I’ve been informed that I have missed a couple of MMORPG’s, and they happen to be ones I can express an opinion about. Star Wars Galaxies: I was in the beta for SWG thanks to the generosity of a fan with an extra account. I very much enjoyed the game, aside from the fact that […]

I’ve been noticing a trend in many of the emails I’ve been receiving lately, most likely due to the recent release of two major MMORPG’s. The similar vein of these letters is along the lines of “What do you think of ‘insert MMORPG here’”, or “How come you haven’t reviewed or talked about ‘game X’”, […]


November 29, 2004 by Tim

I’ve updated my sketchdump/livejournal thingy with some more crap that fell out of my pencil onto some paper. I promise that one of these days I’ll set up a real, honest-to-goodness sketchdump site, with archives for the sketchs and everything. But until I find time for that, I’ll just keep using the journal thing.

Here again

by Tim

Well my vacation is over. Overall it was pretty crappy, I guess. I spent the entire first half of the week stressing out over not doing work. I’d wake up all psyched to be on vacation, start gaming and whatnot, but then around mid-afternoon I would panic because I hadn’t gotten any work done yet. […]

Don’t kid yourself

November 23, 2004 by Tim

Please, school me in Halo 2? I’d take you up on that challenge, but I don’t attend kindergarten.


November 22, 2004 by Tim

How can you be playing Pirates! when there are games like Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 sitting here?! The gravity gun in Half-Life 2 alone provides hours upon hours of saw-blade-throwing entertainment. Stop playing your little boat game and let me school you in a game of Halo 2.

Hey, “High Templar of Stupid”, you are gonna get a serious bitch slap when he gets back. He told you not to fuck with the site. So you guys want to know what kicks some serious ass? Sid Meier’s Pirates! does. I would highly reccomend going out and grabbing this game if you were a […]

My house now

by Tim

Well, well well. It looks like that lazy bastard Tim has taken himself a little vacation, and it now falls on me to run the show. Let me tell you, things are going to change around here. First of all, you may now address me as “Extraordinary High Templar Ruler of Greatness”, and anyone failing […]