
Blog posts organized in chronological order

My house now

November 22, 2004 by Tim

Well, well well. It looks like that lazy bastard Tim has taken himself a little vacation, and it now falls on me to run the show. Let me tell you, things are going to change around here. First of all, you may now address me as “Extraordinary High Templar Ruler of Greatness”, and anyone failing […]

I’m on vacation! I’ll be back next week.

My house now

by Tim

Well, well well. It looks like that lazy bastard Tim has taken himself a little vacation, and it now falls on me to run the show. Let me tell you, things are going to change around here. First of all, you may now address me as “Extraordinary High Templar Ruler of Greatness”, and anyone failing […]


November 19, 2004 by Tim

I’m so close to my vacation I can taste it, and I’m excited. Yesterday I managed to draw and ink four comics for next week. My agenda today involves coloring and assembling them all. Then I can use Saturday to finish up some shipping, and other odds and ends, and then at 12:01 Sunday morning, […]

Marvel vs City of Heroes

November 18, 2004 by Tim

I touched on this briefly a few days ago, but Brian has a way with words that simply cannot be ignored. He touches on many of the things that I forgot to mention when I was too busy calling Marvel stupid pieces of shit for this lawsuit.


November 17, 2004 by Tim

I totally got back into City of Heroes last night. I remembered why I enjoyed the game so much in the first place. I love the fact that you can play for hours, or twenty minutes, and still get things accomplished and have fun. I’m not going to give out my hero name this time, […]


November 15, 2004 by Tim

Now that I’m on the back end of an awesome Halo 2 party this past weekend, I’m ready to give my official opinion of Halo 2. In fact, I’m ready to name Halo 2 into my top five favorite games of all time, bumping Halo: Combat Evolved off of the list. Halo 2 has all […]

Let’s talk for a moment

November 12, 2004 by Tim

It is a cruel, cruel world where a man barely has a week to focus on Halo 2 before suddenly his attention will be inevitably and violently split in half, or perhaps not even equal portions, by another much-anticipated game such as Half Life 2. How is one human brain supposed to cope with such […]

Halo 2 Clan

November 11, 2004 by Tim

There is a CAD clan for Halo 2. Message Robob if you want an invite.

Waffles will save us all

November 10, 2004 by Tim

I know (as evidenced by the sheer amount of mail I received on the subject) that many of you are interested in my opinion on Halo 2. And you shall have it. But not until next week. See, I’m having a big Halo 2 release party here this weekend. Four TVs, four Xboxes, sixteen controllers. […]

Distractions abound

November 8, 2004 by Tim

There’s not much news to post about today. I skipped Nekocon this weekend, and it was the best decision I could have made. I had a great weekend, and I got so much work done I feel like goddamned Superman. Halo 2 ships today. There was maybe 10% of the audience of this website that […]


November 5, 2004 by Tim

Kind of forgot to make a news post today. Been so swamped with work all day. I’ve spent my entire day printing labels, and packaging books. I hope, fingers crossed, to have them all shipped by Monday or Tuesday. At the very least all domestic orders will be shipped by Monday. International orders may take […]

Revenge of the Sith

November 4, 2004 by Tim

The Episode III trailer is now out and about on the internet. I can’t link you anywhere reliable, but you’ll find it if you look around. It’s also attached to the beginning The Incredibles in theaters tomorrow. It looks fucking awesome. Edit: I found a reliable link here. Another Edit: Well, I guess that link […]

Cover your shame!

November 3, 2004 by Tim

The biggest news I have today is the debut of the first of the newest Ctrl+Alt+Del shirts. Four new designs are available, with more on their way over time. These shirts are scheduled to begin shipping around December 1st. You’ll notice the shirts are available in a new store. ZeStuff will be handling the distribution […]

T-Shirts are now available

November 2, 2004 by Tim

CAD T-Shirts are finally available again. There are four brand new designs in the new store, with shipping scheduled to start around December 1st. If you want your t-shirt before Christmas, hurry up and order! The t-shirts are now being distributed by a third-party company. This is good for you because it means there are […]


November 1, 2004 by Tim

Some fans have developed an independant IRC network for the Ctrl+Alt+Del community. The host the official CAD IRC Chat room, as well as a number of other channels. You can find their page here. To join the Official CAD chat room, with any IRC client, sign onto the server, then type /join #ctrlaltdel