Doom 3… work… Doom 3… work… *head explodes* Anyway, I’m almost caught up on everything I missed while I was away. I just finished downloading all 105,100 emails that were waiting for me when I got home. So if you did in fact refrain from emailing me while I was away (all three of you) […]
New comic is up. You may need to hit refresh to see it. Very, very sorry it was late. I’ll post more in-depth stuff soon, I’m just very exhausted after Otakon.
Just walked in. I’ll get working on the comic for you in a few minutes, and have it up a little bit later. I just need to sit down and relax for a bit. Otakon was an absolute blast. I got totally mobbed both Friday and Saturday. Within an hour of the doors opening on […]
I’m leaving for Otakon. If you’re in the area, or attending the convention, feel free to come by and say hello. I should be in the Artist’s Alley for the most part. Also, I’ll be at the airport tonight picking up my good friend, the stupendous Brian Carroll, whom I convinced to attend Otakon this […]
…To tell you to go drool over this. Well? Go. Go now. Download and be merry.
Ok, here’s what I still owe you guys right now: A convention report from ConnectiCon- It’s mostly written. I’m up to Friday night. I doubt I’ll finish it before I leave for Otakon, so what I may do is post what I have, and then add Saturday and Sunday after I get back. For Otakon, […]
I have convinced the Mighty Brian Carroll to come down here for Otakon this weekend. He’ll be hanging around the Ctrl+Alt+Del table, so now you have two reasons to come by and say hello. Of course, one reason is better than the other. PS: He’s the better reason.
Sorry the news post is late guys. I couldn’t sleep last night, then I finally fell asleep and woke up late, then I had to haul a bunch of books down to the post office for shipping, etc etc. I did manage to snap a couple of pictures of the new character shirts for you. […]
I picked up a digital camera today, and it fucking rocks. I’ll probably be annoying you guys with pictures for a while. I’ve started to make a dent in the boxes in my apartment. Check out this shot of my living room. There are more boxes in the bedroom behind me, and around the corner […]
Most things, anyway. Spent my morning sitting in traffic court. Over a month ago, some girl was speeding through an intersection and flew right into the corner of my apartment building. The corner that my apartment is on. I gave my statement, and a few days later I got a subpeona to appear as a […]
I had honestly thought I was finished jabbing at the atrocity that is Catwoman (despite the fact that I could just go on forever about how shitty it looks), but Warner Bros. just keeps giving me material. Sure, it could be just a rumor, but god… the mere thought is just too much to pass […]
If you took any pictures of me at ConnectiCon 2004, please go ahead and mail them to me, because I would like to have as many pictures to accompany my convention report as possible.
I’ll be writing a very full, very detailed con report, but I’ll try to link you to others as well, so you can get different perspectives. If you want to check one out before I get mine up, a really cool guy I met there already wrote one.
Saturday’s Comic should now load properly. You may need to hit refresh.
Just got home. Lots to catch up on. Lots of work to do. I’ll have Saturday’s comic fixed and a longer newspost up in a short while.
I’m off to ConnectiCon 2004 in Hartford CT. I won’t be back until Monday night. The comics will update at their regularly scheduled intervals, and I may make news posts below this one if I decide to use the computer at the hotel. Here’s a quick rundown of what cool swag I’ll have with me: […]