The Official CAD IRC ChatRoom has moved. You can locate it on our very own server at, in #ctrlaltdel. Weee.
…but I’m a sucker. Besides, this is different. Bethesda those wonderful monkeys behind Morrowind have licensed the right to develop Fallout 3. This is not the same as Interplay saying “yeah yeah, we’re gonna make it”, whom I don’t trust as far as I can throw them. This is a reputable company saying “we’d like […]
So imagine my surprise when I went to upload Monday’s comic last night, and I no longer had an internet connection. Turns out there was an outage in my area, and by 3am it was still out. I couldn’t stay up and wait for it, because I’ve got too much to do to risk being […]
The books have begun shipping, a little bit at a time. I’m making frequent trips to the post office each day to mail another stack. People should start receiving them as early as next week. On Monday I should be able to get my postage meter set up, which will greatly increase the number of […]
A lot of you people want to see pictures of my apartment stacked high with books. If I had a digital camera, I’d take some for you. I’ve been considering getting one, but I don’t have it yet, so I can’t take any pictures. Sorry. A lot of you have also been asking when you […]
So up until this afternoon I had assumed that when the book arrived, my apartment would be full of boxes. They are finally here, and I realize I was mistaken. My apartment is fucking made of boxes. I don’t know where my apartment went. I live in a giant cardboard box. Fuck. I did, at […]
Bear with me guys. I’m about to be thrown into a universe of “what’s that? you want free time? FUCK YOU! GET BACK TO WORK!”, as I’m expecting to receive the books tomorrow. All sixty-six, 35lb boxes of them. So I assume most of my Tuesday will be spent hauling them into my apartment and […]
Today’s comic is reciprocation for the Applegeeks comic that Hawk and Ananth did a couple of days ago. Go here if you missed it. I’m heading out to see Spiderman 2 with Hawk and Ananth this afternoon. That is… if I can drag myself away from the Spiderman 2 video game…
I just thought I’d let you know that I’m a fucking idiot. Regardless of the huge pile of work I have in front of me, I picked up the Spiderman 2 game this morning. I told myself I had to get to work, but I’d just play for ten minutes. So now I’m sitting here […]
This is what happens. I wake up, and have like sixty bajillion emails in my mailbox about Interplay shutting down. I look at the article, and sure enough it says Interplay was shut down. Apparently not one of all of those people bothered to look at the date that article was posted, and it’s my […]
Actually, there are a few things that are official. It’s official that I will be receiving the books, all 66 boxes of them (at 35lbs each) on Tuesday at some point. That’s right, I said Tuesday. It would be Monday, but it’s a holiday. This means that the first books will start shipping at the […]
I’m making a little cameo in the latest AppleGeeks. It’s the result of a conversation I had with Hawk the other day. He tricked me into saying that I was interested in a Mac. Tricksy macses, they’ll never take my precious… PC.
I just received the first copies of the book. I should be getting the entire shipment on Tuesday-ish, but the printer was kind enough to overnight a couple of copies for me, so I was woken up this morning by a knocking at my door. I am not ashamed to say that, when I first […]
At about 11am yesterday morning, I sat down with a stack of labels and started affixing them to the padded mailers I’m using to ship the books, and separating them into domestic orders and international orders. At about 4am this morning, I finally finished. So today I get to sit down with the international orders […]
I just spoke with the printer. The books will be shipping to me sometime in the next few days, most likely today or tomorrow. This means I could have the books in my hand as early as next week. I don’t think I need to tell you how fucking excited I am.
I’m going to be calling the printer today in hopes that they can give me an estimated date of when they’ll ship the books to me. It shouldn’t be too much longer. I’ll post here once I know. It’s been a while since I pointed you to any new webcomics, probably because there hasn’t been […]