As I post this, I’m about to head out for New York, and I-CON. I’ll be there all weekend, so if you’re in the area, stop by and say hello, or attend one of my panels. I’ve got four panels over the course of the weekend, and you can find them by checking the schedule […]
Splinter Cell multiplayer is fucking incredible. And that’s all I have to say about that. You can find me around the servers under the tag AbsathCAD.
The local gamestore said they’d have Splinter Cell in today, and so help me they’d better. Not that another day with no distractions would be a bad thing… I do have three comics to draw by tomorrow, after all. Eep. I’ll be at I-CON this weekend, in New York. They’ve gone ahead and put up […]
Vote for Fallout 2! VOTE!
Well, I’m working extra hard to try and get comics done in advance, because I’m going to be in New York this weekend for I-CON. Come by and say hi. I’m going to be bringing some shirts and posters with me, and if you want something signed, a con is the place to do it. […]
Gamespy is holding a title fight, and Fallout 2 got beat out. It’s still got a chance though, if you go here and vote! Hurry, voting ends Monday at noon!
I hope you all had a fun and safe Saint Patrick’s Day. Mine was spent drunk. Pretty damned drunk. But it was also spent with video games and good food, so a good time was had. And I also saw a very good movie for the first time. Sam Raimi’s The Quick and the Dead. […]
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day everyone! I’m taking the day off to celebrate. I’ll be cooking up some traditional Irish food, and of course my fridge is stocked with alcohol. Don’t forget that I’m a guest at I-CON next weekend in New York. Come on by and say hello.
So the only game I had truly planned on buying this month was Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. Then nostalgia started to kick in, and Twin Snakes began to look mighty delicious. Now, if I were forced to choose between the two (and nobody is saying that I’m not, for reasons that are beyond explanation on […]
Here are some more Lineage 2 pictures for you. My girlfriend and I resting our characters in-between battles. Don’t we make a cute couple? I’m pretty sure she was laughing at me when she took this picture. My sorry corpse. This one is an oldie, but goodie, around the L2 community, but I figured some […]
I’m writing this at 5:24am. I have not slept. Please excuse typos and insanities. Got a few things to cover. First of all, has gotten a bit of a makeover. There are a lot of new features, such as the ability to check the status on your order, and see if something is in […]
I’ve been getting a lot of emails about Lineage 2. I’ve also been running into a lot of people in-game who read the strip. It’s really great to hear from you guys, so don’t ever hesitate to say hello. A lot of people are curious about the clan I plan to run in release. Let […]
We’be been having some problems with the forums lately. If you sign up, and your activation email doesn’t work, email me personally with your forum nickname, so I can activate your account manually. Finding and fixing the problem has been added to my ever growing list of things to do. The Exclusives! for February went […]
We’be been having some problems with the forums lately. If you sign up, and your activation email doesn’t work, email me personally with your forum nickname, so I can activate your account manually. Finding and fixing the problem has been added to my ever growing list of things to do. The Exclusives! for February went […]
Today is the last day to get your donations in to get yourself a copy of the Ctrl+Alt+Del Comic Book teaser wallpaper. Here’s a little thumbnail preview. Only donators get the full-sized wallpaper, with Lucas’ costume revealed. Also today is the last day to get your pre-orders in for the new shirt designs.
I have got a lot of projects to finish by tomorrow. And by a lot I mean that I’m going to be working non-stop over the next 15 hours, then sleep, then get up and get back to work. The one I’m working on as I type this is finishing up the Donator’s Only wallpaper […]