
Blog posts organized in chronological order


March 4, 2004 by Tim

Sometimes, when you think things in the entertainment industry couldn’t possible get any worse, you learn that the director of American Pie just bought the rights to a Soul Calibur movie. God help us.


March 3, 2004 by Tim

So the ending to Fatal Frame 2 was decent… but when we beat it we found that we had unlocked ‘hard’ mode, and after you beat that you unlock ‘nightmare’ mode, upon beating which you get the ‘real’ ending. Oi. Still, it was a pretty good game. As I mentioned on Monday, pre-orders for the […]

Store and Lineage

March 2, 2004 by Tim

The store is back up for most people. If you still can’t see it, give it another day or so. You have until the end of this week to order the new designs in pre-order. Also, I’m playing around in the Lineage 2 beta test. If you’re in, you can drop me a line. Character […]


March 1, 2004 by Tim

So my girlfriend brought her Playstation 2 over this weekend, and we went out and picked up Fatal Frame 2. Then, as should be done with all survival-horror games, we waited until it got dark (which is pretty early around here now), turned off all of the lights and curled up on our futon. We […]

It’s not broken

February 27, 2004 by Tim

The store is temporarily inaccessable, because we’re moving the site and domain over to a new server. Because of this, I’m going to be extending the pre-order phase on the new shirts. I’ll let you know when it’s back up. Not much else going on in other news. Still working on the book. I’m waiting […]

Still working…

February 25, 2004 by Tim

I’m still plugging away at the collection book. I think it will turn out rather well. I should have some quotes pretty soon, at which point I’ll put up an official poll to judge actual interest in the book. I need to do this so I know what kind of print run I’m looking at. […]

And so it begins

February 23, 2004 by Tim

So I’ve started the process of putting together the CAD collection book. I’ve moved this project ahead of the comic book due to the nature of the work involved, and the massive demand for it. The first step, which I’m working on now, is getting all of the old strips ready for print. So far, […]

Graphic novel update

February 20, 2004 by Tim

Ok, so far the response has been practically unanymous. We’ll do a color book. It will cost slightly more, but it will please the most people. Someone brought up a good point. If you’re going to pay for something, why would it be of lesser quality than what you’re getting for free. So we’re going […]


by Tim

Imagine my surpise when I realized that I completely MISSED Wednesday’s news post. Sorry if any of you thought I was, I don’t know… DEAD. I’ve been pretty busy. It all started out innocently enough- attempting to get both of my computers functioning. I moved all pertinant files from the old rig over to the […]


February 17, 2004 by Tim

I’ve been pretty bad about my news posts lately. Sorry about that. Usually I rely on myself to make the posts in the morning, but by then I’m too asleep to think of what I wanted to say, and the thought processes I do have are already racing about all the things I need to […]


February 16, 2004 by Tim

I want to thank everyone who came out to see me at Katsucon this weekend. It was a pleasure meeting all of you. I had a great time, and my panel went well. I’ll tell you more about it later. I’m on my way out to run some errands, so I can’t make a big […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2004 by Tim

As you may have noticed, today’s strip wasn’t drawn by me. In fact it was drawn by my girlfriend. For Valentine’s Day she wanted to give me two things. A nice peice of artwork, and a day off from work. She made me this incredible guest strip which immediately qualifies as the sweetest Valentine’s Day […]

Come say hi

February 13, 2004 by Tim

Well, I’m about to walk out to door to head to Katsucon. I don’t have a panel today, but I’ll just be hanging out at the Connecticon and Dominic Deegan booths, so look for me there. If I’m not there, they might have an idea of where to find me. I’m wearing a black Sam […]

Holy hell..

February 11, 2004 by Tim

They released a demo for Unreal Tournament 2004 today. Go get it. I’ve been anticipating this game since I first saw video of it, and I’m anxious to see how it plays out.


by Tim

I’ve got some information on myKatsucon appearance this weekend. The web comics panel that I’m on will be taking place Saturday between 11:30am and 1:30pm. Come by and say hi and ask me some questions. Other than that I’ll be around the con just hanging out. Look for me at the Connecticon and Dominic Deegan […]

Katsucon this weekend

February 9, 2004 by Tim

Main order of news this week is Katsucon this weekend. I will be attending all three days. I will be on a panel on Saturday believe, though the schedule isn’t finalized yet so I don’t know what time. If you wanted to come grill me with questions about the comic and such, then would be […]