
Blog posts organized in chronological order


September 29, 2003 by Tim

Got a long news post for you today, so settle in, It’s all important stuff. First of all, let’s talk about November. There’s a convention down in Virginia called Nekocon that is interested in having me as a guest. That means doing panels, signings, selling shirts and posters, etc. The problem is, they’re not sure […]

It’s official

September 27, 2003 by Tim

Shadowbane sucks. A lot. Shadowbane Saturday is over. We played for a couple of hours, had some fun, but in the end, the game just sucks too much ass to keep us going. We started out by totally destroying the newbie areas, wiping them clean of monsters. It was fun for a bit. Then after […]


September 26, 2003 by Tim

Matrix Revolutions Trailer. I’ll be honest with you… after Reloaded I’m not looking forward to it as much… but I will of course go see it. Like I have a choice in the matter. I mean.. it is the Matrix.

Ctrl+Alt+Del’s Shadowbane Saturday is tomorrow. If you’re interested in joining the fun, head on over and grab the 10 Day free trial and get that sucker installed. We’re going to start gathering in-game around 12pm EST. That’s noon eastern standard time folks. I’ll be on the Chaos server, in the starting town of Saladan. My […]

CAD Shadowbane Saturday

September 24, 2003 by Tim

NOTE: YOU ARE VIEWING A NEWSPOST FROM 2003. You need to update your bookmark to You are using an outdated bookmark that is routing you here based on our new website post system. I’ve been getting quite a few emails about this. On Friday I will be making a newspost about it, and will […]

You don’t see online comic books too often, and you certainly see them of the Sixty Four Demons level of quality even less. See for yourself.

Play to crush

by Tim

First off, as of this writing there are only a few hours left to bid on some original CAD artwork. I don’t do this very often, so now is your chance. Yesterday I mentioned that I was downloading a couple of demos, namely The War of the Ring and the Shadowbane 10 day trial. I […]

Only one day left…

September 23, 2003 by Tim

… to bid on Original CAD Artwork!


by Tim

Being the poor web-comic artist that I am, “free” plays a big part in my daily routine. Highlights are free demos. So on that note, Don’t mind if I do.

Who says I never gave you anything?

September 22, 2003 by Tim

Many of you have noticed that the Top Web Comics list has been down for a while. I know you’ve noticed, because you emailed me to ask why you couldn’t vote. Well, TWC may be down, but I will supply you with a new button to sate your clicking fetish. Behold!

Monday Monday

by Tim

Go read your comic. We have a new sponsor this week. Sponsors help keep this site running, so pay a visit to The House of Nichodaemus as a thank you. It’s actually a rather well-drawn comic strip. Our forums are currently down for a complete overhaul. I’m expecting they should be back up sometime this […]

The Ten Commandments

September 20, 2003 by Tim

I finally have an estimated ship date for the Ten Commandments poster, for those of you that have ordered it. They should ship by October 1st. Thank you all for your patience.

I know you want to know…

September 19, 2003 by Tim

So what am I doing tonite, you ask? Well, let me tell you. I was thinking about maybe a litte of this mixed with some of that. And oh.. hell… why not. I’ll toss in some of this shit too.

It’s Payne!

by Tim

Not only do you get your regular comic today, but if you head over to Instant Classic, you can check out the guest strip that’s running over there. If you’re not reading Instant Classic, you’re making kittens cry. I want to thank everyone who’s donated so far, and remind anyone who hasn’t that donators will […]

Sneak Preview

September 17, 2003 by Tim

An example of donator’s only content. $1 or $100.. it all supports the site.