I’m on some kind of a roll today… massive update to the Bios section, that has been a looooong time in the making. I know… took me long enough, right?
I have just added the Ted the Penguin shirt and the Ten Commandments poster to the Official Store.
I always have so much worthless crap to write about here, and then when I actually sit down to fill in the empty space, I’ve got nothing. Strange how that works. The comic is up… I supppose that’s the most important part. But runner up in ‘hey neat’ factor would be the Ctrl+Alt+Del Store. It’s […]
So I went ahead and downloaded the XIII demo because I had been looking forward to seeing how the game played. When it was first announced I was excited about the prospect of such a game because I’m a fan of cell-shading, and I think it could be used wonderfully to create a comic-book style […]
I’ve just finished up the first Ctrl+Alt+Del console skin. This one is for the GBA SP, since… well.. I just bought one. I’m talking with a few companies about doing skins for the other consoles (Xbox, PS2, etc) so hopefully something will happen there. I’ll let you know as soon as these become available.
UPDATE! My full recounting of Otakon 2003 can be found here. It’s terribly long, but I’ve been told it’s mildly amusing. Also just added some pictures… I’ll be adding more as they come in from various places. I almost dropped the ball with today’s strip. I was late with it because I fell asleep last […]
Ok… I just spent over thirteen hours in transit to get home from Baltimore. I am dead tired. Today’s strip is straight inks. I may color it later, but most likely I’m going to leave it as is. Otakon was incredible. Too much coolness to describe acurately with a sleepy brain. I’m going to write […]
Well, I went out and mailed all of the posters. If you ordered a poster, it’s in the mail, first class. I wish I had a picture of the postwoman’s face when I brought them all in…. And posters ordered now will have to wait to be shipped until I’m back from Otakon.
Well this is it. In a few hours I get on a bus to head down to Baltimore to attend the illustrious Otakon. If you’re going to be in the Baltimore area, you should try to swing by. I’ll have a table somewhere in the vast sea that is Artist’s Alley. Look for a large […]
Otakon looms ever closer. I’ll be leaving Wednesday night on a bus bound for Baltimore, so I’m working overtime in order to get the week’s quota of strips finished, so that you don’t suffer withdrawals while I’m gone. I’m really looking forward to this con. I had a blast at ConnectiCon, and Otakon is like […]
As I’m sure you’ve come to expect, I have drawn yet another vote. It uh… saves baby seals. And stuff. Last night I spent a good couple of hours packaging poster order page, you’ll notice that I’ve added the information needed for those of you that want to order via snail mail. Just print out […]
Half Life 2 has not been delayed! I guess! Apparently there was a miscommunication, and someone got the idea that the game was delayed. As far as Valve is concerned, the game is still on par for a September release! The individual responsible for the mistake is consequently being dragged into a dark alley by […]
I’ve been getting flooded with emails concerning the ‘Otakon Only’ poster. Apparently you guys find the poster humerous or some such proposterous idea of the like. You want the poster, and you’re threatening me bodily harm if you don’t get it. I have heard your pleas and am taking them into consideration. If I manage […]
Otakon is just a little over a week away. If you’re going to be in the Baltimore area the weekend of the tenth, swing by and say hello… you may have a chance to buy one of the Limited Edition Otakon Posters. I am going to print up a set number of these (not more […]
Help me. Please. I haven’t much time… I can hear it coming back for me. How I escaped to write you this letter of distress I do not know… but time is running out. I was betrayed. I thought it was my friend, but I now see it was a horrible, horrible ruse, a trick […]
I’m going to tell you a bunch of things right now. A bunch of new things you may not know. You’re going to read them, and then you’ll know them. And then you’ll read them again in one of next week’s news posts because there are about five thousand of you that still aren’t aware […]