Happy Father’s Day dad… thanks for everything.
Saturday strip is up. Bet some of your forgot about that… well I didn’t. Now that the poster is finished, I’m trying to concentrate on artwork to sell at the convention. I’ll be selling all sort of different types of art, but one thing I’m experimenting with is drawing different characters in Ctrl+Alt+Del style. Here’s […]
So it’s Friday the 13th. So what? Regarding Wednesday’s strip, apparently most of you got the joke. There were a few of my international readers that had to ask for an explanation, but I actually didn’t get any angry letters about it. For those of you that have been looking for me in Ragnarok Online…. […]
So very tired… anyway, I have three new reviews for you. Two by new reviewer Rimskii, one on Age of Mythology , one on hot import game O.TO.GI We also have a review of The Italian Job by QuadBoy. Go check them out! I’m gonna crawl back into bed…
I can’t wait to read some of the email I’m destined to receive regarding today’s strip. /sarcasm off Anyway, the poster is finally at the printer, and if all goes well, I should have it in my hands by the end of the month. I’m excited, aren’t you? For any of you America’s Army players, […]
Over the last couple of days the site has experienced a couple of server outages. Nothing terribly long, but definitely noticeable. I believe they are working on the issues.
Our new reviewer Athena has posted her first two reviews. One on the latest chick flick to come out, Down With Love and one on the latest from master computer animation studio Pixar, Finding Nemo . Go check them out, its quality stuff.
Our new reviewer Athena has posted her first two reviews. One on the latest chick flick to come out, Down With Love and one on the latest from master computer animation studio Pixar, Finding Nemo . Go check them out, its quality stuff.
I just heard back from the company that will be handling the first ever Ctrl+Alt+Del poster. They did a technical review of the file, and they said everything is perfect for high quality printing. I’m sending the official work order to them tonite. I’m tempted to start selling them online before the convention, as the […]
Our new reviewer Athena has posted her first two reviews. One on the latest chick flick to come out, Down With Love and one on the latest from master computer animation studio Pixar, Finding Nemo . Go check them out, its quality stuff.
The response to the poster has been fantastic. The feedback is really positive, and it appears that there are a lot of people who want to buy it online. Keep an eye out on the front page for more news, as it develops.
Prepare for a rant… Okay, for those of you that do not know, I am rather young. Much younger than Absath. I’m 15 years old. Most people think I’m older than I really am, so I thought I’d get that out of the way first. These past few weeks have been packed with stress. Several […]
Ok, here is a low resolution, watermarked preview of the first ever Ctrl+Alt+Del Poster. This poster will debut at ConnectiCon 2003. Any leftovers that I have will be put up for sale here through the website. The poster will be printed on high quality poster paper, in rich professional quality color, and will be 11.5 […]
Feedback is definitely welcome. Letting me know if you plan to buy a poster will help give me an idea of how many people are interested, thus letting me have a decent amount run off in the first printing.
So there I was, playing America’s Army, trying to think of an idea for today’s strip. Across the map, in the form of teammate stupidity, I get my inspiration. So I figured “hey, it’s been a while since I’ve done an AA strip. Why not.” So I started drawing. Anyway, the response I’ve gotten from […]
To check back over the weekend for your extra comic. I’ve decided I’m going to put it up on Saturdays, but tomorrow’s probably won’t be up until the afternoon/evening, on account of work. I was going to do it tonite, and have it up in the morning, but working on this poster took a lot […]