Our first vote is concluded, and the story moves forward along the chosen path. Not the path I expected, to be honest. You can look at the results here. I haven’t yet figured out how to publish them without also re-opening the poll.
I forgot to mention, but each vote will only remain open for 24 hours. This is because obviously I need to then start drawing the next page based on the winning choice. So make sure you get your vote in on the day the comic updates.
Yeah, the poll allows multiple votes. There is no option within the software to prevent it. Obviously I’d like to assume that most people will just vote once, and that even someone votes a dozen times, it’s not going to sway things in any major way. And I’d like to think that it’s just not […]
Choose what happens next: Try and steal a ship Try and get their ship back from Chaug Our first vote for this story is live. As promised, we’re going to try using an embedded poll system… no more fiddling with emails and key phrases. Also, according to some requests, the results will remain hidden until […]
VOA (Vote Our Adventure) is the working title for this tale until I settle on what I wish to call it. It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, but with a little game new release dry-spell coming up, I figure now is as good a time as any to get back into […]
VOA (Vote Our Adventure) is the working title for this tale until I settle on what I wish to call it. It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, but with a little game new release dry-spell coming up, I figure now is as good a time as any to get back into […]
“Oh boy, another zombie survival MMO!” said nobody ever. Look, I’ve held onto enjoyment of zombie-based titles a long longer than most people, but even I’m starting to get a little fatigued with so many of them continuing to pop up. You know what, though? Duck it. I actually don’t care if SOE wants to […]
Goat Simulator is an interesting “game.” I put that in quotes because, really, it’s a physics demo wrapped up in a ton of hilarious (an developer-approved) bugs and glitches. It’s popularity is just about entirely viral, and not critical. It works because just the right elements came together. It’s entertaining, don’t get me wrong, but […]
This is basically the TL;DR version of Phil Spencer’s first interview as Head of Xbox over at Microsoft. But it’s also how I wish it had gone. Microsoft started this console generation on their back foot thanks to muddy and uncoordinated PR, and for the next year or two they’ll be working against their own […]
I had a lively discussion with a couple of readers concerning Elder Scrolls Online this week. Long story short, one of them was so convinced of ESO’s merits as an MMO, that he offered to put his money where his mouth was. If I agreed to play the game to at least level 20, he’d […]
I tweeted about this game a while back when I saw a teaser trailer for it. It’s now up on Kickstarter where you can help make it happen. Skylanders/Infinity for grown-ups? Yes please.
In the interest of full disclosure, I did not purchase or play Elder Scrolls Online at launch. I played in two of the beta/stress test weekends. My first impression of the game was… less-than-favorable. I wouldn’t say I hated it, but certainly didn’t fall in love. I decided to give it another chance a couple […]
I’ve been enjoying inFAMOUS: Second Son. It is, of course, exactly as transparent with their “morality” choices as I’d suspected, but it’s a fun game regardless. And it’s a gorgeous game. It really feels like we’re starting to see what the PS4 will be capable with in this title. Beautiful particle effects, zipping down the […]
I love George R. R. Martin. I love his work, and he’s a fantastic person. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with him on a few occasions… he first emailed me after he saw this strip, and I was honored to interview him on a panel at a convention we both did at Harvard. He’s […]
I’ve touched before on my dislike for the mechanic in games that claim to offer you choice, but then tie up other elements into those options that almost remove the choice entirely. The inFamous series is perhaps one of the most transparent, but Bioware does it often as well. What they really boil down to […]