I don’t think I’m very good at Titanfall. Granted, I’ve only played three matches thus far… in the video game hierarchy, Dark Souls 2 is king, and nearly all of my attention has been focused on that. With Infamous: Second Son out later this week, Titanfall is still in for a bit of a struggle […]
One of my favorite aspects of the Demon’s/Dark Souls games is how obfuscated most of the mechanics are. Tooltips and item descriptions often only give you the most cursory explanation, and unless you hit the wikis for everything, the entire game is an excersize in experimentation and discovery. Three games in now, I know well […]
I hate it when RPGs pull the “enemies level up with your character” crap. I hated it in Oblivion. It was tolerable in Skyrim because it was less obvious, and done in a crafty way. I’m not quite sure how extensive it is in Diablo 3 yet, I just happened to notice it in the […]
Path of Exile’s first mini expansion launches later today. Diablo 3’s expansion launches in a few weeks. If Torchlight 2 could surprise us with some new content before the end of the month, we’d have the action RPG trifecta. A buddy and I have been playing a bunch of Path of Exile the last few […]
AC4 mostly got kicked to the sidelines during my busy holiday season, but recently I’ve started picking it up again here and there (in no small part due to my enjoyment of Black Sails). I do still wish that it wasn’t an Assassin’s Creed game at all… that is to say, I wish it was […]
Twitch Plays Pokemon has been incredibly interesting to watch over the past week. Not for any consecutive stretch, of course… that just gets maddening. But checking in on it periodically to see what kind of progress has been made is remarkable. Taking inputs from the chat, thousands and thousands of Twitch viewers are trying to […]
I really dig the Thief series… but I’ve been very skeptical of the new Thief for most of the past few years since it was announced (As Thief 4… or “Thi4f.” Yuck.). There has been such a gap between games… ten years now since ‘Deadly Shadows’, that I worried the tone of the game would […]
The Elder Scrolls Online is currently in closed beta… they’re stress testing, but there is still an NDA in place, so I can’t really talk about whether I’m in it, or what I think of it. Instead, let me tell you about these chocolate chip cookies I tried. I’ve had chocolate chip cookies before, and […]
I’ve dabbled a little bit in the EQNext Alpha here and there since it opened last weekend… not much because, due to the volatile nature of an alpha test, things keep getting reset. Par for the course, but it makes me wary about investing too much time into detail building, knowing that nothing will last […]
While patiently waiting for Wildstar to hurry up and launch, a friend and I have taken up residence in DC Universe Online. I’d dabbled in it a couple of times over the past three years… at launch, and then again after they added the Hard Light powerset to the game. But I’d always done so […]
Apparently I’m not the only one who saw a whole lot of Assassin’s Creed in the trailer for Shadows of Mordor… Curious to see how this plays out.
SUMO just celebrated their ten-year anniversary. That’s a lotta beanbags! Congrats guys! You can get 25% off some of their chairs, too.
Shadows of Mordor looks interesting. Had I not seen the title of the video before I loaded it, I might have been easily convinced I was looking at footage of a new Assassin’s Creed game. I haven’t decided if that’s a compliment or not. I like Assassin’s Creed (again, anyway), but we have an Assassin’s […]
King, the makers of Candy Crush, are assuring people that they do not intend to pursue any actual action against The Banner Saga. Instead, apparently due to the inner workings of trademark/copyright law, they would have a harder time pursuing future claims if they did not currently oppose every use of the word they see […]
Trademarks and copyrights are important… but holy shit companies do some silly things with them sometimes. The latest of which is the makers of Candy Crush Saga trying to trademark both the words ‘candy’ and ‘saga.’ Not combined as they appear in the title of the game, but as two separate entities. The excuse the […]
I have far too many consoles hooked up to my tv right now. It’s been nearly a decade since the last generation-swap, but I seem to recall getting a cleaner break than this. The new consoles came out, I wished a fond farewell to my old ones and boxed them up with some of my […]