Well, it was bound to happen. Still, you have to admit that three out of four isn’t too bad! We almost did the whole thing without going NSFW, so I’m impressed (though some people suggested I interpreted “meat hammer” too literally). I was nearly certain it would be four straight days of dicks. Those sentence […]
Big thank you to Courtney C. for submitting the sentence for today’s page! “Up against the ropes, the robot, reaches out and steals the gentleman’s mustache, upon placing it on his face, he becomes ULTIMATE GENTLEMAN ROBOT!” Tomorrow is the final page, and you can now email your ideas. For this sentence you need to […]
Reader Justin brings us our page 3 development with his sentence submission “The gentleman is offended and pulls out his meat hammer and crushes the Robot’s guitar.” My inbox is now taking submissions for tomorrow’s page 4! Where does this little tale go from here? It could be up to you! All you have to […]
Congrats to Denise D. for submitting yesterday’s winning sentence! “There is a tense moment, before the robot draws forth his mighty electric guitar to do battle.” Clean slate now, and you all have another twelve hours to submit your sentences for Wednesday’s page (submissions close at 12pm EST)! Tell me what happens now!
If this storyline does in fact go NSFW (and I expect it will), I will place a NSFW tag in both the title, and on the comic image itself as warning. If you typically read the comic at work, and you could get in serious trouble viewing naughty stuff, it may be wise to play […]
The great folks over at SUMO are sponsoring the site this week, which means I’m going to update every day through Friday. It also means you and I are get to try something new. Today I’ve given you a character, a setting and a conflict. Now it’s up to you to tell me what happens […]
Next week we’re being sponsored by the great folks over at SUMO Lounge. What this means is that I’m going to update every day next week, Monday through Friday. You and I are going to tell a little story. On Monday morning, I will post the first page of a story. Then, for the next […]
EA has now acquired the exclusive rights to develop/publish all Star Wars games for the forseeable future. I guess it’s not a huge surprise… Disney is gearing up to start pumping out a new Star Wars movie every year, and EA has already mastered annual, incremental franchise releases in the video game space. When this […]
Got a particular comic you like? Want a high-res, signed copy ready to frame? I’ve put up another small batch for sale. These will ship next week. You can pick any comic from the archive (except for extra long comics), and I’ll even personalize it if you want!
Neverwinter started their open beta this week. I dabbled a bit during some of the closed beta, but didn’t see much that left a lasting impression. Still, it’s free to play, so I decided to fire it up again with a friend. Things are looking a little more polished, and it’s definitely a game I […]
Due to a little server hiccup, I apparently wasn’t receiving email for the past four days. If you sent me something, there’s a chance I didn’t receive it. If it was important, you may want to send it again. We’ve received a huge resupply of a lot of the shirts in our store that have […]
I feel like I’ve reached the point where I enjoy watching competitive League of Legends more than I enjoy actually playing the game. Riot has really stepped up their competitive scene with Season Three, and the introduction of the League Championship Series (LCS) which sees eight teams compete on a weekly basis over the course […]
I mentioned Gunpoint about a year and a half ago… it’s not out yet, but it is still in the works, and it is still looking amazing.
I need to tell you about Monaco. I’d had my eye on it for a bit now, because anything that says “4 player coop” immediately raises a flag in my book. It finally came out on Steam on Wednesday, so I gathered up some friends to check it out. My verdict is simple: I think […]
All existing print orders have been shipped.
You’ve probably heard, or at least seen video of, Surgeon Simulator. It began life as a game-jam, 48 hour concept type of project, but as of last week was released as a “full” game on Steam. I put that in quotes because it’s still only marginally longer than the original demo version, but the price […]