
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Hope all of my readers here in the US had a great turkey-day yesterday and a satisfying post-dinner food-coma! And also happy go-mental-to-find-holiday-shopping-savings day, as well. Whether you’re shopping online or braving the stores (whhhhyyyy?! You can buy everything online. Why would you ever step foot into a retail establishment today?), there’s no doubt today […]

Black Friday Reminder

November 21, 2016 by Tim

The price on the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set has been marked down to $60, the lowest it’s ever been. I can’t do much about the high shipping costs across the ocean (the set weighs 17lbs), but hopefully marking the cover price down helps make it a little more reasonable. The book set will be available at this […]

Left passage took it by about two-thousand votes. I loved reading some of the discussions justifying going one way over the other, though! However, while we’re on the topic of this vote, I received a handful of complaints that this vote was “pointless” or “meaningless” because it wasn’t as complex as some of the others. […]

Starcaster Vote, Issue 5, Page 18

November 18, 2016 by Tim

I thought for sure this was going to go a different way. Shows what I know! That teeeeensie little yellow sliver accounts for 481 votes. I didn’t really think you guys would want to roll over and give up to the Syndicate, but I wanted to provide the option anyway. Down into the temple we […]

Black Friday(ish) Sale

November 11, 2016 by Tim

I was going to wait until Black Friday, but considering some people may want to order this as a gift, I want to make sure to leave ample time for delivery overseas. So with that said, the price on the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set has been marked down to $60, the lowest it’s ever been. I can’t […]

Black Friday(ish) Sale

November 9, 2016 by Tim

I was going to wait until Black Friday, but considering some people may want to order this as a gift, I want to make sure to leave ample time for delivery overseas. So with that said, the price on the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set has been marked down to $60, the lowest it’s ever been. […]

My Summer Car

October 26, 2016 by Tim

You know, if you want to watch me drink beer, try to assemble a car engine from scratch, pee on a lot of stuff and drive around the Finnish countryside in the mid-nineties occasionally dying of thirst. For three hours.

10/17 Starcaster Vote Results

October 19, 2016 by Tim

Starcaster Vote, Issue 5, Page 4

October 15, 2016 by Tim

Starcaster Issue #5

October 10, 2016 by Tim

Catch up with past issues if you need a refresher: Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 As usual, Davi will work as quickly as possible to color the pages as I produce them, but I will post the black and whites in the meantime in order to maintain the regular update schedule.

Emerald Nightmare

October 7, 2016 by Tim

No, really Malfurion. You just stand there. We’ll handle it.

Sea of Thieves

October 5, 2016 by Tim

I don’t feel like we get enough good pirate games. Sid Meier’s strategy take is probably at the top of my list, but I’ve yet to play one that really captured the adventurous, high-seas stakes on a ground level. AC: Black Flag scratches a bit of that itch… I enjoyed the ship portion of the […]

Back down the rabbit hole

September 16, 2016 by Tim

So, yeah… I’m playing WoW again. After raiding hardcore through Wrath, I burned out hard at the start of Cataclysm. The first few bosses of the first raid, and I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. I left the game and I didn’t look back until much, much later. Right around the Warlords launched, my wife […]

Console Story

September 14, 2016 by Tim

Even though the Console Wars launched with an entirely narrative arc, I most often use the series as a way of tackling console industry news. As a result of going back to a narrative run this past week, I’ve noticed a bit of confusion regarding what news story I must be referring to involving Sony […]

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