Paramount had the Comic Con Iron Man trailer yanked from YouTube. Here it is from a different site. I don’t expect it will last long, so watch it while it’s up.
Somebody lets me know when this hits the intarweb in official, non-shanky-hand-cam format.
So I’m finally getting excited for the PS3. It took nearly a year, but there are now games on the horizon for it that I’m anxious to play. Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank. Not that it’s entirely abnormal… I mean pickings were slim for the 360 at the beginning as well. But as the […]
Bomberman Live came out on the XBLA last week, and I’m hooked. I suck at it, but I’m hooked. Sometimes the simplest games can provide the most fun, especially when they’re updated with clean new graphics without really altering the core gameplay underneath. I love it. So Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword shipped this week. […]
So Otakon was pretty neat. Zack and I flew into Baltimore Friday evening. Saturday morning we got up to head to our table. I had said I would arrive around 11am-ish. Well, we got held up waiting for the posters and prints to finish printing. Then we had to go back to the hotel room […]
Friday evening I fly down to Baltimore for Otakon. I will be there, at a table, Saturday midday only. For how long exactly, I cannot say, but I am planning to hit the table around 11am(ish). I’ll probably be there for a few hours, and then who knows. We’ll see how things are swingin’. I’ll […]
It’s always irked me that I started my strip by breaking the fourth wall (when characters in theatre show their awareness of the audience, and the fact that they are in a fictional story). It’s just one of those things you look back on and wish you had done differently. So for Ctrl+Alt+Del’s one-thousandth strip […]
Here’s a preview of the limited 11″x17″ Analog and D+Pad poster that Zack whipped up for Otakon. We’ll be there with these and other good stuffs on Saturday. Also I’m sure if you throw money at him, Zack will make the sketchy sketches for you, like a good little monkey.
So I picked up some portable games on a whim last week, probably because I’m doing a lot of traveling for cons right now. I’ve been neglecting my PSP and DS for some time now, so I thought I’d see what was out. I grabbed Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror for the PSP, which has redefined […]
Just a reminder I’m going to be at Otakon in Baltimore this Saturday with Zack. I’ll be in the artist’s alley starting at around 11am. I’m flying in, so I’ll be traveling light. That means no fancy booth decorations, and only what merchandise I’m shipping ahead of me, which may not be a lot. Volume […]
ConnectiCon was a lot of fun, as it always is, even if I wasn’t really there in an official capacity. Thank you to everyone who came to our panel Friday night. It was a good turnout, especially for such short notice. I think we had a lot of fun, I know I enjoyed it. And […]
I imported from GAME over in the UK. They were pretty good with the speedy delivery, even with the ocean between us and all.
So yup, I’ll be up in Hartford tonight at the Connecticut Convention Center for ConnectiCon. Can’t cats catch cool cucumbers or cull crispy critters con carne? Okaaaay, enough of that. As I mentioned, I’m not really attending the convention in an “official” capacity, though I will be doing a panel tonight from 7:30-8:30. I don’t […]
Yep, looks like I’ll be doing a Q&A panel on Friday from 7:30-8:30. Come on by, we’ll shoot the shit, talk games, all that good stuff.
Hmm, I figure I should probably mention that I’ll be at some conventions the next couple of weekends. This coming weekend I’ll be at ConnectiCon in Hartford CT, though not in an official capacity. I’ll just be there at random times hanging out. Probably bugging Brian at his table a lot. I won’t be there […]
I saw Transformers yesterday. It was very entertaining. The action was great, the humor was actually really funny. It was a nice surprise.