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Barrel Awareness

April 3, 2017 by Tim

Hey, look at this! It’s a little post below the comic!

This space functions similarly to how news posts did on the old website; I can attach a blog post like this to a comic strip, and it will always appear below that comic strip, now and in the archives. Going forward, I’ll use this space to make little comments or observations about the comic I did, or convey some context if I feel its necessary. I may also draw your attention to a news post. Sometimes, there will be nothing here! Madness!

The news posts (re: the “Meanwhile” avatar graphic to the top right) are where I’ll typically post important information about stuff that may be going on with Ctrl+Alt+Del (new products, Kickstarters, changes, etc). These comic blogs will be for more “in the moment” content.

Below this, you’ll find the comments section, where you can leave a comment with your thoughts about the comic strip or the comic blog.


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I don’t know if it’s because a lot of games “fudge” the spacial relationship between the gun’s scope and its barrel (ie, the bullet goes where you’re aiming, and doesn’t necessarily travel from the tip of the barrel itself), or I just haven’t noticed this happening as much before, but I’ve lost count of the number of potential kills I’ve missed in PUBG because I forgot to check where my barrel was while zoomed in.

This and remembering to bring a vehicle to a full stop before exiting are my two biggest enemies in PUBG at the moment. Decades of gaming have conditioned me to leap effortlessly from speeding cars, and apparently it’s a hard habit to break.

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7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

This is very niiiiice

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Woohoo! Comments! Been following this for a few years now and eagerly await each new update!

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I still dont receive password

7 years ago
Reply to  Translator

I found it in my spam folder.

7 years ago
Reply to  Luthuana

My is empty

3 years ago
Reply to  Translator

Thinking logically, this was probably the first comment in cad history; no one e to do it better than Tim!

Edit: don’t know why it says I commented on translator, but whatever~~

Last edited 3 years ago by TuwitE
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

“Do we…HAVE news media?”

7 years ago

Yay! Wonderful comments!

Phil B
Phil B
7 years ago

Nice website sir! Just picked up PUBG yesterday, and so far I’ve died every single time without killing a single soul. So far my strategy is to accidently land super far away from anyone else, spend my entire time running across the countryside grabbing an arsenal of weapons, miss most of the action, and then die somewhere around #30 to a sniper in the back. I’m hooked. Will be playing duos tonight with a friend, curious to see the squad action. TY for the heads up on vehicles, saves me getting super excited about the first time I find one,… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh my god, the site looks worse than before.

Golden Helmet
Golden Helmet
7 years ago

Hooray! The website isn’t blinding white anymore! <3

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Once you go black, you usually end up coming back…

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I like the dark theme, except the white on black leaves lines in my vision after a while. They make it hard to read other things for a little while (at least for me).

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

And that’s not even the best part! You finally moved away from that shitty date-based URL format! Man, that took way too long to happen. I hate URL systems like that, that don’t tell you anything about the comic, not even which number (1st comic, 2nd, 57th, 2500th comic…) it is. This is a big improvement. Date is useless.

7 years ago

I read another webcomic that just switched away from showing the comments in the archives. There was a tight-knit group of commenters who liked to roll-play together in the theme of the comic and had many inside jokes. All this wound up discouraging new commenters so the creator/website admin team moved the comments to a separate forum. Just something to look out for I guess, CAD has a much greater reader base than that comic, so it might not be an issue.

alexander hollins
alexander hollins
7 years ago
Reply to  asailijhijr

There used to be a forum instead, iirc. Pretty sure of it, because my wife and I used to lie and say we first saw each other and chatted on the CAD forum. (We DID see each other there, but after we’d already met elsewhere that we prefer not to admit. heh. )

7 years ago

There still are forums, but for each comic *maybe* a thread is made about it.

7 years ago

There actually still is a forum, but I believe Tim is planning on dropping it. Canin linked it above…Right now, they’re planning a move to another forum.

7 years ago

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high

7 years ago

Verra niiice…..

Alan Lafond
Alan Lafond
7 years ago

Nice look to the new design, though I do have a problem with it, that hopefully you can fix. When I go to the URL I have bookmarked (, it takes me to a news post instead of the most recent comic. I was able to find this comic by searching through the linsk on the site, but I can’t find a link that always goes to the most recent comic. When I click the “Last” button, it goes here, which means that if I try to bookmark it, I’ll come back to this specific comic every time I follow… Read more »

Nick Chambers
Nick Chambers
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim
Nick Chambers
Nick Chambers
7 years ago
Reply to  Nick Chambers

I misread your reply, Tim. Changed my bookmark to and it works fine.

Alan Lafond
Alan Lafond
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks very muchly! 🙂

7 years ago

That’s a very sturdy window, heh.

7 years ago

Hi Tim

The new website is really nice. I’m crazy about the black theme,

I have a three suggestions on when you search by comic specific theme:
1) Give the ability to sort descending or ascending. ( So people going back or coming to the website the first time doesn’t have to scroll down to start reading from the beginning )
2) At the top and bottom of the pages put navigation buttons to go to next month and previous month.
3) If possible add the old CAD ( Ethan, Lucas ), Games Specific and everything else search catagories

7 years ago

I think im just used to the old site but i liked it better. Sorry.

7 years ago

Yeah, most shooters have you shooting out of your face, and the gun is just decoration. Refreshing to hear a game do it more realistically. Back in the day, I played a ton of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, where you apparently shot out of the top of your helmet, which meant you had to memorize all the positions in every map where a sniper could hide with just a pixel or three showing, and be able to recognize an incorrect pixel indicating a sniper about to end you. Ahh, the ‘good’ old days. We also didn’t have this client… Read more »

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
7 years ago

Man it feels like just yesterday you moved to the previous version of the site!

On the strip’s topic, my suspicion on why this happens is because the scope is placed above the barrel and is where the camera is pointing through.

Joe M.
Joe M.
7 years ago

My marketing peeps would call this a ‘boy’ design and be a bit sniffy, but it probably fits the demographic :o) If you force https instead of it being optional, it’s a small boost to seo by the way – I see your https version isn’t working yet, I get a 521 error visiting or Personally I think encryption is a fallacy – letsencrypt for example doesn’t do much of anything to actually verify who you way you are, just that you have access to a webserver – but Google will luv ya more for it :o) Great… Read more »

7 years ago

Let’s hope the new site resolves the RSS feed issues with phantom new comics appearing when there isn’t one. Also I’m getting a white banner moving up and down the screen constantly (Chrome, Win 10). Finally, the grey font on a black background for writing comments is really difficult to see… Maybe that’s the white banner I’m seeing, looks like it’s the same size as the comments box. Good luck with the new design!!!

7 years ago

Yay, mobile version.

7 years ago

Not seeing the ‘Meanwhile’ avatar or link at all 🙁 Don’t want to miss news posts.
On a comic note, leaping from a moving Makko (yes I know it’s called something else now … it’s still the Makko to me) is one of my favorite things.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I don’t see it either – using firefox (45.8.0) on windows 7 64 pro.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’m using Internet Explorer 11 on windows 7 64 bit Enterprise

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Don’t know what was changed, but suddenly I can SEEEEE 🙂
(The Meanwhile showed up and the twitter feed – YAY!)

7 years ago

Looks good Tim!

I have this same problem in Fallout 3/New Vegas/4 – sometimes the magic bullet just won’t pass magically through the piece of cover I’m hiding behind!

7 years ago

Very nice Tim. Good looking website.

7 years ago

RSS feed link that was supposed to go to this comic went to one of your test blog posts from years back – took me some clicking around to discover the actual comic?

Other than that – site is looking good, though I agree it seems you went from blinding white to blackest black, LOL

7 years ago

…AHA! Deleted old RSS widget, found and installed the new – working fine. At least some folks on the old one will think they are linking to this comic, based on the title, but will instead be redirected to one of the test posts. New RSS feed has title and link at the top that go properly to the “new website” page the link mentions. Just FYI for your coder. (I’m using Protopage as my homepage and the latest Google Chrome on Win10, if any of that helps…)

7 years ago

Nice new website! I’ve been coming here for years and years and it’s nice to finally see comments. I know they can be a pain sometimes (some people post some crazy stuff), but it’s nice to have community so up front and center. Good luck in the future!

7 years ago

Love the new look. Two suggestions: 1) Put a redirect on to point back to the home page. Currently, it redirects to a post back in 2003. I got very confused and it looks like I wasn’t the first. Plus, as I learnt when Garfield disabled their redirector, it’s going to take a month of entering it wrong before Chrome stops using that page as its default. If you have more granular access, you might even be able to use a proper 300 series HTTP code (I think 301) to help the process along. 2) Again, I don’t know… Read more »

7 years ago

When I try to reset my password on the login page it says that you have the mail() function disabled.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim


7 years ago

I expected better from someone so closely knitted with the tech circle and it’s inhabitants. Pretty and inefficient is NOT progress. Sure you made a pretty page – but taking 10x longer to load and being incredibly busy – you didn’t improve it at all…… Sad….

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’m not sure how to respond to that other than to say that if you have interest there are far more technological methods to verify the issue. I’d guess based on where you live and your profession – you are sitting at 100Mps line as opposed to myself. It would be almost impossible for your human eye to have noticed the issue. Your tech guy can do the math – how much larger the load is and how that would affect users at different speeds, etc. At the end of the day – if you like it – your the… Read more »

7 years ago

holy shit, i approve! not that my approval means anything, but damnit im giving it! very slick boss!

7 years ago

Height over bore is a real thing. Its very very funny seeing people blow holes in the hoods of their trucks because they don’t understand.

Like the comments and the new skin.

White Rice
White Rice
7 years ago

I remember you said you were updating the site, but I wasn’t expecting quite this level of change (and comments!). I’m alright with the look, and everything loaded fine, so it’s all good.

I’m so on the fence about PUBG, but I’m so close to being tipped to the “FINE, I’ll buy it & get killed a bunch & love it” side of things (the other side being “FINE, I’ll get it on sale & get killed a bunch & love it”)


7 years ago

regarding gun scope vs barrel: remember that bullets travel in a parabolic arch, not a straight line. in firearms, the barrel is almost never directly parallel with your sights. rather, the sights are “zeroed” to a particular distance. this means that your gun barrel is usually pointed slightly upwards, and the bullets you fire will only hit right on the dot if your target is at the same distance as your zeroed range (or before, since the bullet arc can cross the zeroed line in two places). games usually take the simple and lazy approach, and simply have bullets fire… Read more »

7 years ago

I love the new website! Especially being able to go back and read the series, like the Console Wars. Great job!

One thing I would change, is to load those archived comics by oldest to latest, so we can read them from the top of the page to the bottom. As it is, I have to scroll down to the bottom and then scroll back up to read them.

7 years ago

Jesus, this site design is so bad I’m actually dropping this webcomic now. I’ve read this comic for literally seven years, but this is just too much of an eyesore.

RIP in peace CAD 🙁 You will be missed.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sad

Seriously? All the same navigational options are still there, it’s just streamlined a little better now to make everything faster. The twitter snapshot is still off to the side, the updates/news section still exists, oh yeah… and there’s still the comic.

“But Tim, it’s all dark.” You’ll live. It’s really not all the different content-wise.

Sorry to get all snarky but, really?

7 years ago
Reply to  Luthuana

Luthuana – I’m not sure you have ever used the previous interface or maybe you use drugs 🙂 It’s not faster – and it’s not the same. It’s not bad enough that I’ll drop the comic – but your reply shows enough about your powers of observation for me to know that you shouldn’t really be weighing in as you aren’t familiar. By the way he didn’t say anything about the content. On the previous version the next button was always at the top of the comic – I spent 10 minutes thinking it was missing and typing an e-mail… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sad

Sad – Trolling much? – I like the new site, I like the new features, and I have been watching since maybe 2003? (long time). I look forward to the future of CAD. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Sad

rest in peace in peace

7 years ago

Thumbs up! More “reading in bed with lights out and not waking anyone up friendly” 😉

Acid Flowers
Acid Flowers
7 years ago

Thanks for that comment letting us know to click the logo to find the comic, I was too retarded to think of something so simple and just kept being frustrated at why isn’t the comic appearing. Keep up the good work, Timbo, I hope to live off of my crappy webcomic one day as well

7 years ago
Reply to  Acid Flowers

That is because if you saved the URL like I did for the past 10 years – it was cad-comic/com/comic to always see the latest comic and they broke that with the update. Took me a while to figure out too 🙂

7 years ago

Actually that has happened to real-life snipers, I recall an incident with a police sniper who thought he had a clear shot at a suspect but was shooting the edge of the rooftop he was on instead.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vee

Art imitates life, I presume this happened before the game was released.

7 years ago

This new design has one issue for me: the permalinks to older issues don’t seem to work now, and it starts you off at the latest comic. I usually read them in bulk after a while, and now I’m afraid it’ll skip to the latest page and I’ll get half of it spoiled on my way back.

Side note: it seems slower to me. There’s more than a bit of lag, even typing this.

7 years ago
Reply to  Person

Never mind, it works now.

Alex Locke
Alex Locke
7 years ago

I tell ya! I just LOVE it when some webcomic that I’m a faithful reader of goes and changes their host (and their web address and whatnot) and doesn’t properly set up DNS forwarding! It makes me incredibly snarky and prone to being a HUGE TROLL! *Grumble pissy grumble sissypants artists grumble grumble*

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

To Alex’s point the thing that changed is that used to have a HUGE very intuitive small picture of the most recent comic that users can immediately see the comic – no longer the case. The new version is not intuitive – doesn’t mean we won’t all be trained and learn to use it. But his point is valid – the change was bad for users but it was not illegal nor do you have any responsibility to your users to preserve their normal use scenarios. Won’t keep us from complaining 🙂 – also wasn’t a smart move based… Read more »

Alexander Locke
Alexander Locke
7 years ago
Reply to  TheCK

It was more of an annoyance, really. I obviously figured it out, but it meant I had to WORK. I don’t usually like WORK. WORK makes me itch, and I much prefer to have everything spoon fed to me. Thanks CK for backing me up on this. Tim, I really feel that this is something you should understand, no, RESONATE with your readers: laziness is LIFE. Feed us. BE us.

7 years ago

“I’m sorry, I’m not trained to handle this particular level of stupidity”
– (Paraphrased) Lucas.

7 years ago

A friend of mine actually did exactly this once, except with a real gun. He was trying to shoot a deer while lying across the front of his truck, and now has a hole through his his and out the side of his fever to commemorate the lapse in judgement.

No fake “bullet hole” stickers necessary for him.

7 years ago
Reply to  Braeden

Hood* and fender*, darn it

7 years ago
Reply to  Braeden
7 years ago

So I can attest to this being a factor in real life, so maybe someone who has real experience with guns got in on the programming? IRL When you are looking through a scope, you are looking from above the barrel with the scope calibrated to look at where the point of impact should be at a certain distance. That clearance above the barrel, and focus on a much farther distance makes it pretty easy to not notice say the tree branch directly in-front of your barrel. Honestly it’s kind of awesome how video games are getting truer and truer… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  displacedTxn

And how real life is getting further and further from reality….
‘Cause time keeps on Slipping,

eretuf Into the

7 years ago

You cunt! Your new website layout caused an issue on my computer where I was unable to see any comics after this one. I was starting to wonder wether you were alive anymore… Just now realized that pressing latestest will reset what ever internal state needs to be set for the site to work.

Anyway, love the comic. Keep up the good stuff.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nikolas

Actually, seems there’s an issue with this site’s hard links. When I go to the front page ( and navigate the comics the url doesn’t change and all the comics are working. At a hard linked url ( however the next/prev links skip a few comics. Also in hard linked urls the comics seem to end too soon as if there were no more published comics.

Chrome Version 58.0.3029.81 beta (64-bit)

7 years ago

Yeah, I can understand how leaping from a car going at 92 mph can take time to unlearn.

6 months ago

After reading the entire backlog I finally reached the point where comments were a thing for each new comic! Been a fan since this comic was only 2 years old. i love the fact that it’s still going!