One quick Mario Odyssey strip, and then we’re in to Analog and D-Pad #5. Promise.
Also, it’s CYBER MONDAY! Because… that needed to be a thing we do. Nevermind that there is very little distinction online shopping and brick and mortar shopping for these things anymore… they all just bleed into each other. But whatever, paying less is still paying less.
The Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set is still 25% off until tomorrow, and that includes the copies we have in the US, and the few we have over in Australia for cheaper shipping to AUS/NZ (buttons to purchase are below the image).
Also, the last time I checked, SUMO’s sales are still running, and they’ve made some big price cuts for the weekend. The new code is CYBER MONDAY (shocker, right?) SUMO’s chairs are super comfortable. SUMO’s chairs at 25% or more off the price feel even better.
If the game ended like this… I would still play it.
seems like Cappy is giving Mario some immortality powers
Special relativity for moving really fast?
Or he has been dead this whole time. (check name)
Haha! Awesome and so true!
Oh the endless quest to moons … Bowser …who cares about Bowser … Peach, who cares about Peach … just more moons, few more moons
That vase and table in panel 2 must be bolted down, because it didn’t shatter into atomic particles from Mario’s kick. And we KNOW that dude don’t skip leg day.
its kinda funny how many moons in odyssey and shrines/seeds in botw there are. like nintendo put in so many you pretty much cant miss the ones you NEED and finding them all is actually a little embarrassing.
Cappy’s eyes the entire time. I love all the little details that you only notice when you re-read it.
Have you played “Evil Within 2”? It has a nice little commentary about being sidetracked with wasting time on one sidemission.
To be fair, you literally have to beat the game to get all of the moons. This mentality does always amuse me, though. I’ve done it in every open world game. Mario 64, Breath of the Wild, GTA, Assassin’s Creed, and more. Anything that gives me the option of “collect all this stuff” or “progress the story” and I’m screwing around collecting and doing sidequests all day.
Darksiders (I didn’t manage to collect all Pages from the Book of the Dead and the Gem Stones, though…and I beat the game twice or three times…next time I’ll not only note the items I’ve found but could not collect at that specific moment due to missing abilities…I’ll also write down the items I HAVE collected, just so I can REALLY use the tons of guides there are :D)
Batman Trilogy / Batman Origins ….God, these riddles are annoying sometimes 😀 (Especially in Arkham Knight….*rolling eyes*
Children with Bowser? Can you imagine how well giving birth to the offspring of THAT would go?
From the photo on the wall in Panel 2, I’m guessing that they’re adopted.
Clever, Bowser, clever. So instead of sending your minions to try to KILL Mario, instead you send them to distract and delay him. “You there! Challenge him to run in a perfect triangle – no, wait, a circle! You – race him up the mountain! And you – challenge him to make a Goomba face! No, I don’t care if he gets it right; tell him he got it wrong!”
By which time stockholm syndrome will have gotten to Peach, who undoubtedly will have seen Bowser’s sensitive side, and they’ll set down roots and adopt some kids.
I once saw a comic strip (can’t remember, which comic it was…) where the end boss (or his second in command) put in ammunition for a weapon that did not exist at all…only to distract the protagonist by sending him on the search for the weapon 😀 I totally saw myself in the protagonist 😀
I love my Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set!!! Guys and Gals this is a great deal, GET THEM WHILE THERE CHEAP! They are very well made!
I tried to, but it would cost me and arm and a leg to get it delivered here in Brazil… I’ll eventually get the PDF.
I thought it was a giant truck of cash in the truck at first, it made no sense!
How would Peach and Bowser have grandchildren anyways? Even if they could somehow have kids, their children would be sterile.
So excited for Ninja Zeke!
Hush, that’s tomorrow.
Ack, I left the website up.
Do you work for SUMO?
They’re his biggest sponsor, I think so…. yes, basically.
Andrew at SUMO helped me out a lot 10 or so years ago when we were trying to get the first Digital Overload up and running; he was one of our first big sponsors, and basically gave us 100 Omni beanbags for the event in exchange for putting their logo on our event materials and such. That was a big deal for a first-time event, and getting our foot in the door helped us get some other sponsors for the LAN. Having those beanbags at the event were a huge hit as well, and we got to raffle them off… Read more »
Who this blonde lady? I helped out my 1-up girl Pauline in New Donk City and now the game is over, right?
Umm, be more specific and I’d be happy to. Can you tell me where you see that? I don’t think its even possible to mine BTC with a regular computer or via a website these days.
There are javascript based miners that mine very low difficulty cryptocurrency. There’s been a spate recently of websites being hit with cryptocurrency miners, usually through comment sections or by hijacking advertising space. Some folk even deliberately put them on their page to raise revenue for the site.
Must get all moons…must get all moons…