Feedback and Pallet Update

April 5, 2017 by Tim

First of all, I’ve received an update on the two pallets of books bound for destinations abroad. The pallet headed to the EU is expected to arrive in port on April 16th. From there it will go to the warehouse for distribution. So if you’ve placed a preorder to secure one of those books, it’s getting close. There are still about 30 book sets on that pallet up for grabs.

There is also a pallet of books bound for Australia, based on the interest I received for those. That pallet is expected to arrive in port on April 25th. I have not opened orders for those books yet, so you haven’t missed them. If you’re in AUS or NZ, you’ll have a chance to place an order for those book sets later this month.

Now, I want to thank you all for the tremendous feedback regarding the website. Most of it has been constructive (a couple of people apparently became unhinged and lost their shit… you know who you are). But otherwise, we appreciate the feedback. We are going to continue to tweak and adjust the site based on some of your comments are suggestions, and further streamline some things.

Some of the changes in the pipeline include but are not limited to:

  • The logo up top that brings you back to the front page is only half-clickable. A fix is on the table, we just need to make sure it won’t wonk anything else up.
  • We’re going to bring a little color back. We wanted a darker website design this time around after seven years of crisp white, but over many revisions, a lot more turned gray than I think we’d planned. So we’re going to fiddle with it a bit and bring some of our green back.
  • Various layout tweaks to tighten up spacing, smooth things out.
  • If you’d bookmarked the previous latest comic page (, you should get redirected to the front page. But paths for comics and newsposts have changed, and lot of old links no longer work. It will take us some time to build those redirects.
  • The RSS feed should now be working and include both blogs and comics.

Again, I appreciate hearing from all of you, and having comments directly on the site has made it easier for me to respond directly and interact with you there. I know a website change is a big adjustment (This is the fourth time I’ve done it, I know how some people hate change), but we are listening to your suggestions and will continue to nudge and tweak things!

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7 years ago

A small detail, when loading the https site, some content is loaded over http and blocked by chrome. Also, some pages link back to the http version explicitly (like a blog article from the blog page).

Nevertheless, good work!

Ryan M
Ryan M
7 years ago

Looking good Tim, I like the new design.

7 years ago

Somehow these white letters on a dark black background put a noticable strain on my eyes while Ubuntu’s ambient-mate more greyish theme is just fine.

Or it’s the small size of the letters, but it’s definitly not me getting old :p

Vicente Sampedro Burgos
Vicente Sampedro Burgos
7 years ago

The problem with Safari seems to be iCloud related, I cleared the history and afterwards typing the site URL forwarded me to the front page.
Sorry I’ve been a bit “batshit crazy” in my initial reaction, I’m always conservative towards change

7 years ago

Everything looks sleek. But, I would like a way to change the background themes, if possible. Mainly for work reasons! Haha. There’s just less attention drawn to my monitors when all screens have white backgrounds =P. Besides that I think I could get used to this big ol change.

7 years ago

Very nice redesign. I’ve always had a preference for a dark (but not too dark) background in websites….easier on the eyes and not so glaring. I like the overall look.

7 years ago

I found white version of the site to be easier to read and more friendly for the type of content presented.

7 years ago

New site design is cool. I particularly like the archives for the special series (like Starcaster and Console Wars). Separating out blog from comic posts also seems like it’ll be a good change and let you keep your news posts up longer without having to repost with each comic update. Is there a specific place you’d like people to post bugs/feedback? I’ve seen a couple things but didn’t know where to look to see if it’d already been reported. What I’ve noticed: – When browsing the main comic page, the next/previous buttons appear to smoothly load each page using ajax,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Brent

> Would it be possible for the special series archives to be browsed without the Month filter? Then we could browse all the console wars easier (where some months only have 1 comic), or group some of the other series by Issue or Chapter instead of date?

I created an account to simply voice this request and I’m glad I’m not the only one who think so.

7 years ago

So behavior wise navigating around to different posts from the home page (first, last, previous, random) changes what is displayed but doesn’t actually update history. This results in the back button not working as expected. (Clicking back after hitting random leaves the site in most cases)

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
7 years ago

A critique I have after fooling about a bit is that the row of buttons above a journal/comic I find are a tad small. I mistook them for social media links at first! As well, out of curiosity, why is the core CAD stuff not separated by Ethan/Lucas and One Shots like the 10 Year boxset?

(which reminds me, the grey reminds me of the design of said boxset! Cool!)

7 years ago

Just updating my bookmarks,
what do I update to?

7 years ago

Hi Tim,

I quite like the darker look.
Not so sure about the moving logo-background, however. Or maybe it just isn’t working as intended (i.e. maybe the length of several comments throws it out of whack a little?)

For reference, I’ve captured a few seconds of what it looks like on my end (Mozilla Firefox):

DJ Spy
DJ Spy
7 years ago

When I load the site, it loads the Console War comic from 4/7/2017
When I go back to the PUBG with Dino’s comic, I can’t then go forward again to the Console War comic.

DJ Spy
DJ Spy
7 years ago
Reply to  DJ Spy

Correction, when I go back, and accidentally click on the comic.
It goes to – which cannot then go forward.

7 years ago

Not a bad look, the buttons are very tiny, both in the page menu and in the content top menu, id bump up their size and the font size a bit.

7 years ago

I like the new website, and the archives for the separate series are great! What could be improved a bit is the navigation. On the main page navigation uses AJAX, but without changing the url. When you go to the archives, there is no AJAX so each comic has its own url, but navigating reloads the whole page. When you use AJAX but also update the url using JavaScript, you can have the best of both worlds. Loading only the needed elements using AJAX gives a faster, more responsive site, without a blank page and everything reloading on each click.… Read more »

7 years ago

I have to look through ALL the comics to find today’s strip.
Website fail.

7 years ago
Reply to  Timeghost

Go to the home page!

Marc Steigerwald
Marc Steigerwald
7 years ago

Has anybody seen my shit? I appear to have misplaced it.
In all seriousness though, I’m liking the new layout, especially the ease for reading and navigating while on my phone. Two thumbs up!

maybe not as sad now
maybe not as sad now
7 years ago

Huzzah to no more dark as my soul web design. You should replace the page background too.

7 years ago

Even after I changed my bookmark, it always loads the comic from the 3rd and I have to click “last” to bring up the most current comic.

7 years ago

Love the new look, too many sites go all white and it’s hard to read sometimes.

The one thing I miss from the old site was it used dates in the URL so I could use that to bookmark where I last read (or the next comic after I read since I knew what the new URL would be) and now the URL doesn’t change so I can’t use that to bookmark it.

7 years ago

New layout looks nice, only thing I’m not a fan of is how the background does a weird scrolling thing when you scroll down, a little distracting when scrolling down to see the rest of the comic. (I get motion sick from the stupidest subtle things)

7 years ago

Post site update, I’m finding I have to force refresh my browser to load the latest comic on the front page.

7 years ago

The site seems to now have a caching issue in chrome ever since it switched over to the new design. came by to read new comics and was still looking at the one about getting the drop on people in PUBG. it used to load a new comic when there was one and I had to force refresh the screen to get to see new ones

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I’m seeing the same in Firefox.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Similar issue here. Also using Chrome (Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)). Went a few days before realizing that somehow, it keeps bringing me back to the same PUBG comic, no matter what URL I tried – also continued after deleting my cache & cookies.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Same here at work in Chrome. F5 (refresh) wouldn’t load the latest comic on the front page, but ctrl+F5 (refresh and override cache) did the trick. Possibly the issue is caused by our company proxy server, which might not be aware the page has been updated.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Same issue here as well in chome. even after clearing cache it still loaded the pubg comic about getting the drop on people not the latest, same with blog posts, if i click to latest blog it takes me to the one about the new site not the latest one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I’m seeing the same issue. Each time I come to the site for a new comic I have to reload the site to get it to update the comic.
Other than that glitch I’m digging the change.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I had this same issue, running chrome, where I kept re loading the PUBG comic.
F5 was able to load all the new comics, though Im hoping in the future it will load them automatically like in the past.

7 years ago

Small issue, but the back button doesn’t work in history. If I click back on the comic strips, but then back on history, I just go to wherever I was before instead of going back to the last comic I was on.

7 years ago

Love the new site, the dark colors and white lettering is really good on my eyes. And I especially love how the different series can be looked at individually and read exclusively. When the Switches appeared on Console Wars, I wanted to go back and read it all from the beginning but didn’t want to skip around. Now I can! One issue, though – sometimes, it seems to take forever (more than five minutes) for comments to load. Other times, it seems to pop up almost immediately. Is this a known issue that is being worked on, or is it… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m having trouble with the page always loading the same comic… I visit and all I get is the same comic until I press the last (latest) button. At that point it loads the newest comic. Is there a way for me to make the latest comic show up every time without this extra step?

7 years ago

I created a new bookmark to, but it is not bringing me to the latest page. Upon deleting cookies and clicking again it does bring me to the latest page, but then the first page I come to after deleting cookies gets set as the page I come to upon revisiting the site. So I’m jumping through hoops to get to the latest comic. I’m using the latest Firefox v52.0.2 and Windows 7.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Sorry; late response!

It’s still happening, Tim. Whenever I visit the home page, I see the last comic I’ve already read, not the latest available.

Yes, it’s caching, but I don’t see that at other sites. Nor the old CAD, for that matter.

Could you put a ‘no-cache’ (or similar) in the code?

7 years ago
Reply to  Ministry

Fine today – thanks!

Colonel Panic
Colonel Panic
7 years ago

OK so no idea if this will be read since this post is months old now. Nice archive system, separating out each series so you can follow just the series you want. Umm… how do I NOT do that? I want to read the comics as they are in sequence, like they used to be, but when I click “next” it takes me to the next in the series instead of the next chronologically? Can you add a “next posted” or something like that as well so people like me can make sure not to miss a single post?