There’s still time to sign up for June’s Loot Crate (and save 10% with code ctrlaltdel). The theme is “Cyber.” Now, I assume that this is going to be a box of virtual sex. But I suppose it’s possible it might be a bunch of robot-related goodies. I guess we’ll find out! You can see […]
So the Kickstarter campaign has closed, fully funded and then some. There will be a very small pre-order window sometime in the next couple of weeks, where you will have one last opportunity to secure a book set. This is offered for the people without credit cards that could not pledge to the Kickstarter, or […]
Ok, here it is, the final 24 hours of the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Kickstarter. After today, if you aren’t a backer, you no longer have to hear me talk about this. Pledge now or forever hold your peace. We’ve reached our last, ultimate stretch goal, which means that each copy of the collection, print and physical, […]
I want to clarify the differences between receiving the books and animated series via download and via the Signed DVD set. The Books The book PDFs will be similar no matter whether you receive them via download or on the DVD disc. Via download, you will receive three files, one for each volume of the […]
We’re in the final three days of the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set Kickstarter! We’ve reached our last, ultimate stretch goal, which means that each copy of the collection, print and physical, now includes an additional eleven comic pages, as extended ending to the original Ethan and Lucas saga, detailing what happens after “Endings… and beginnings” […]
We’re coming up on the home stretch for the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Book Set Kickstarter Campaign. We’ve blown through all stretch goals save for the last one: An extended ending to the original Ethan and Lucas saga. We have eight days left to hit $500k! Back in early 2003, shortly after starting this comic strip, I […]
Unboxing May’s Team-themed Loot Crate! Power Rangers, Avengers, TF2 and more!
The Kickstarter for the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 is still trucking along. We have one final stretch goal ahead of us. If we manage to reach $500,000, I will add eight pages to Book Two of the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 set. I will fill those pages with an extended ending sequence to the original Ethan and Lucas saga. What I, […]
Being that today is not only the launch of my Kickstarter, but also Star Wars day (May the 4th Be With You!), and I absolutely enjoyed Age of Ultron this weekend, I’ve whipped up this nifty wallpaper for you to celebrate! Enjoy! Iron Vader 16:10 Aspect Ratio Iron Vader 16:9 Aspect Ratio Iron Vader 5:4 […]
As you may have noticed, today we begin Analog and D-Pad Issue #2. That means the comic will update daily for the next 24 days. If that’s not fast enough for you, you can of course purchase and read the entire issue right now in PDF form.
We have officially launched the Kickstarter campaign for the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set! Go check it out! Now, most of the pertinent information regarding the box set is on the campaign page, so I won’t retread that here. However there are a couple of points I wanted to reiterate. There will only ever be one […]
The Kickstarter for the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set is LIVE!!!! Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0: The Box Set is a comprehensive three-volume collection that houses the entire first decade of Ctrl+Alt+Del. Everything from the first comic, to the end of the original Ethan and Lucas storyline in 2012, or what I consider “Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0.” When I say it […]
Don’t forget, you can sign up to receive your own crates of random geek goodies here, and if you use coupon code ctrlaltdel you’ll shave a couple bucks off your subscription rate!
For the past year I’ve been having a blast creating unique content for my Patrons, from exclusive comic strips featuring the top tier Patrons as characters, to wallpapers and behind-the-scenes peeks at projects I’m working on. Going forward, I’ll be adding a new reward to the mix. Starting today, each month my $5+ Patrons will […]
I’ve talked about this before, but for the past 3-4 months I’ve been working on a massive book set featuring the first ten years of the comic: Ctrl+Alt+Del 2002-2012: The Comprehensive Collection. This three volume set will collect everything from those ten years. Every comic published on the site from the very beginning to the […]
Back in December, on a whim, I subscribed to Loot Crate. I liked what I heard, so I decided to give it a shot. I’ve really been enjoying having these boxes show up each month and finding out what’s inside. I made a little unboxing video for March’s crate. Check it out if you aren’t […]