
Blog posts organized in chronological order


August 18, 2004 by Tim

Yes, I know the advertisements are messing up a bit. We’re trying to figure out what the problem is with the new system. Bear with me.


by Tim

Alright, the newspost is late. Why? I was working all morning, and I wanted to finish before I posted so I could tell you about the good news. As of this post, every single book order destined to somewhere within the United States has been shipped. So if you ordered a book, and haven’t received […]

Servers and such

August 16, 2004 by Tim

Also, you can try Ctrl+F5 to refresh your cache for this site, if you’re having trouble viewing the new server. Speaking of which, we’re doing some maintenance… apparently the new server is having trouble keeping up with the heavy traffic that CAD receives. We’re working on it. Thank you for your patience.

I’ve been getting reports that some of you can’t see the comic strips. All you get for the past three strips are red X’s. This sounds to me like you’re still seeing the old server (We switched servers a few days ago). If you performed the hosts file edit a few months back, when we […]


by Tim

Today’s comic is a continuation of today’s Applegeeks strip. As of this writing, Hawk doesn’t know I’ve done this yet. Let me explain. Saturday afternoon sometime, as I was coloring the very strips that were originally scheduled to appear today and Wednesday, Hawk messaged me to ask if I wanted to read the script for […]

The end draws near

August 13, 2004 by Tim

I’m almost there. I had generously guessed at having all of the domestic book orders shipped by this weekend. It doesn’t look like that will happen. However, they should all be in the mail by Monday or Tuesday. International orders should finish shipping not too long after that. I’m really looking forward to a little […]

Hold on a sec

by Tim

News post and rant soon… I just have to get a bunch of these books to the post office.

IP change

August 12, 2004 by Tim

This is for anyone that may have edited their hosts file a few months ago when I changed servers. CAD is getting a new IP address. Remember, this is only if you edited your hosts file a few months ago. Navigate back to your hosts file, either with the search function, or by going to […]


August 11, 2004 by Tim

My inbox is getting flooded over this “Xbox murders” issue. I guess I should have forseen that. I would love to discuss it with you each individually, but that’s just not possible. There are far, far more of you that agree with me than disagree, but allow me to clarify my position here. A lot […]

Doom 3

by Tim

I’ve heard some people complaining about how dark Doom 3 is. Well, if you’re playing it in the middle of the day, in broad daylight, like a PUSSY, then yeah, it’ll seem a bit dark. Screen glare and all. But if you play it in the pitch black, with no other source of light or […]


by Tim

Sorry guys, we experienced some unexpected downtime this morning. We’re obviously back up and running now. It is possible that you may experience some weird stuff going on with the site today… we’re doing things of the maintenance sort, so just bear with us. Today’s comic, for those of you unaware, is based around this […]


August 9, 2004 by Tim

As usual lately, an update about book shipping: it’s going surprisingly well. I can actually see the end of the domestic orders. And I’m beginning to see the floor of my apartment again. Not too much news going on here at the moment. I’ve hardly even had time to play any video games. I will […]

Now recording…

August 6, 2004 by Tim

Shipping of the books is going along pretty smoothly now. Over the last couple of days I’ve shipped at least a few hundred orders. I optimistically expect all domestic orders to be in the mail by next weekend. We’ll see how that works out. Then I finish up the international orders, which inevitably take longer […]

Otakon report is up!

August 4, 2004 by Tim

I got the Otakon report up, still writing the ConnectiCon report. You can find the Otakon report here. Enjoy.


by Tim

Just got back from shipping a ton of books. I wasn’t kidding when I said I would get them out as fast as I can. I feel terrible that some of you are still waiting. Trust me when I say I’m working myself silly to ship them out. I will get you your books before […]

Doom 3 Tweak

August 3, 2004 by Tim

Check it out. It worked beautifully for me.