Alright, since City of Heroes still seems to be the topic that’s swamping my email the most, let me touch on it again for a moment. The first supergroup is full. I’m a little surprised myself. I had no idea that so many CAD fans were going to play City of Heroes. And there are […]
Since the CoH super group is just about filled up, and there are still plenty of fans that haven’t even started the game yet, here’s what I’m doing: I have almost got a second character to level 10, at which time I will create a second group. I will appoint a acting leader of the […]
Just to note… we’re starting to fill up. I can’t save spots for people. Guild website will be up soon with more info.
Well, I pulled a fourteen-hour straight run in City of Heroes. Hit level ten and formed the CAD super group. If you want in, just message me. My character name is Steel Ghost, and we’re on the Justice server. It’s first come first served, after which there will be a waiting list. I’ll be playing […]
Alright, the City of Heroes head start has begun. I’ll be playing all of today. I’ll hit level 10 sometime this evening and start the CAD Super Group. You can drop me a line to say hello and find out how my leveling is going. My character is The Steel Ghost. And remember, we’re playing […]
Ok, first, the big news. Cryptic and NCSoft have announced the first expansion for City of Heroes, called City of Villains. It is still in development, and the official announcement will be made at E3 this year. If you want to check out the press release, you can find it here. Now, one of the […]
I’m sorry. I meant to post some news earlier, but I was too busy curled up in the corner with the shakes, swiping at phantom gang members. You see, the City of Heroes beta ended last night, and I now can’t play until Sunday. But the end of beta even was awesome. I’ll touch more […]
Cryptic, in response to community disatisfaction concerning the method they were originally using for name reservation, has updated their methods slightly. You now have to reserve a name on the actual server you want to play on. What this means is that where I was originally going to wait until this weekend to announce what […]
If you see an eyesore named “The Fancy” running around on the Justice server, you can thank Christian Otholm.
My friend Brian Carroll has just hit golden strip #100 with his great movie-related web comic, Instant Classic. I suggest you to go check it out. BUT, I have to strongly urge that, if you have never read Instant Classic before, that you start from the beginning and read up to #100, rather than starting […]
CoH Update. See Below. So, as of late my circadian rhythm has been getting more and more screwed in the proverbial ass. I’m staying up later and later, and waking up later and later. I’m sure you’ve all been here before. Hell, I’ve been here before, countless times. The only way to fix it is […]
A reader, Mick Walker, wrote in to inform me that Linux users might have trouble accessing CAD Radio with the above methods, and offers a solution: Just to let you know, that some of your Linux readers may have trouble listening to the online radio stream. I dont know if you wish to inform them […]
So the City of Heroes beta test ends this week. Then there will be a short hiatus, and then the game, after years of development, finally launches publicly next week. I’ve been getting a lot of emails about City of Heroes since I’ve started talking about it here, and it led to an extensive write-up […]
I got pretty long winded with my City of Heroes rant, so I decided to move it over here rather than fill up the front page with it. So get check it out of you were interested.
So originally I had an entirely different comic ready to go for today, and then Interplay goes and announces something like this. Now obviously I can’t let that slip quietly by, especially after the big fuss I made a few weeks back. So straight back to the drawing table I went, literally. So yeah, I’m […]
Stop! Before you go any further, you may want to read the latest comic first… just a warning. Now, I was feeling all warm and fuzzy, so I decided to turn each of the panels of the latest strip into a wallpaper, because I knew I was going to get asked for it anyway. So […]