
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Two things

February 7, 2004 by Tim

First of all, I’m all caught up on store orders. If you ordered from the store since January 1st, you should have received an email stating whether or not your items were shipped, or if something was backordered. If you didn’t receive an email, check your deleted items folder or spam folder. And also, I’ve […]

So far so good

February 6, 2004 by Tim

Ok, I’m pretty close to getting caught up on store orders. I should be fully caught up by Monday. Once I’m back on top of current orders, I’m going to go about introducing some new shirt designs. Probably next week sometime. I have some good news. I got my computer up and running. It turns […]

CAD GameDays

February 4, 2004 by Tim

We used to have a weekly tradition around here called CAD GameDays, which I’m sure some of you remember. Essentially every Saturday we got together in one game or another and spent the afternoon having fun. Then the holidays rolled around, and then shortly after my move down to Virginia, and they sort of fell […]

Alright, a couple of things to mention today. I’m starting to try and get caught up again on store orders. The move sort of threw everything into a tailspin, and I’m trying to pull out of it in that regard. If you ordered something and haven’t received confirmation of the order, please be patient. I’m […]

Oh yeah

February 2, 2004 by Tim

I almost forgot… MY TEAM WON THE SUPER BOWL! WOOHOO! *ahem*

Ok, here I am with the regular Monday update. I’m starting to get back to a regular routine now. The big production that was my move down to Virginia is about over with. A lot of my stuff is unpacked. I can finally start sitting down and getting back to work on the comic and […]

Just for information:

February 1, 2004 by Tim

The way that I identified the problem as the CPU is this: That particular motherboard has an onboard voice system that will bitch at you if something is wrong if you plug speakers into the onboard sound. With the CPU in the board, I got nothing. No POST beeps, no lady telling me that there […]

Ok, I’ve troubleshot this thing to death. I’ve discovered that it’s a bad processor, not the motherboard. Which means I’m screwed because the processor was a christmas gift, and is past the 30 day service policy on OEM parts. Le Sigh. A huge thank you to Jason Smith for spending over an hour troubleshooting with […]

Tech support?

January 31, 2004 by Tim

Hmm.. I could use some help here guys. I’m trying to put together my new system. Here’s what I’ve got: Thermaltake Xaser3 v1000 series case A7N8X Deluze mobo Athlon XP 3000+ Barton 1GB Corsair XMS TwinX Matched Memory Pair Geforce FX 5700 Ultra Seagate Barracuda 80GB SATA HD 420W Thermaltake power supply Now, originally I […]

Just a note…

January 30, 2004 by Tim

I’m going to be at Katsucon in Arlington, VA February 13th-15th. I’ll be on a panel with Fred from Megatokyo, Mookie from Dominic Deegan and more. So you can come and ask me questions and whatnot. I’m not going to have a table, but I’ll probably just be hanging out with some friends in the […]

So… umm… Hi… and stuff

January 29, 2004 by Tim

I really wish I could tell you that a whole lot of exciting stuff is going on right now… but it just isn’t. This entire week has pretty much consisted of just me getting acclimated to my new surroundings, and attempting to unpack all of my crap. I swear, now matter how much stuff I […]

I live!

January 26, 2004 by Tim

My cable is up and running in the new place. I finally feel connected to the world again. I’m doing pretty well here. Started to get unpacked. Still boxes of stuff everywhere, but the essentials are set up- computers, video games, bed, food. I figure it will take me at least the rest of the […]

Well, I’m gone

January 22, 2004 by Tim

I’m about to shut down and pack up my computers, rendering me hopelessly bored and disconnected from everything. I’m not sure when I’ll have internet again. Hopefully within a few days. Don’t expect immediate responses to emails. Catch you all in a few days.

Sheesh… is it Wednesday already?

January 21, 2004 by Tim

Well, 80% of my stuff is now in boxes. I have some clothes, my computer stuff, my TV and my Xbox/Gamecube out. That’s it. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. Let’s see… first things first. I moved all of the Winter-een-mas stuff into it’s own section in the Funbox. As you can […]


January 19, 2004 by Tim

What is Winter-een-mas? Winter-een-mas, in it’s essence, is a holiday for gamers. It is a celebration of games and the gamers who play them. Video games allow us to do things, go places, see stuff that we couldn’t do in real life. They can be an escape from reality, a release after a long day, […]

I’m moving this Friday. Here are some things you should keep in mind. I’m pretty busy packing up all of my stuff. I’m not going to be around much this week, but I’ll still be replying to emails when I can. Please be patient. This weekend, I’m not going to be around at all. Comics […]