What is Winter-een-mas? Winter-een-mas, in it’s essence, is a holiday for gamers. It is a celebration of games and the gamers who play them. Video games allow us to do things, go places, see stuff that we couldn’t do in real life. They can be an escape from reality, a release after a long day, […]
Things are starting to get down to the wire now. I make the move next weekend, so I’m getting pretty busy around here, with packing and work and whatnot. A lot of people are celebrating Winter-een-mas. To the point where I think I may open up a special section of the website for the sake […]
What is Winter-een-mas? Winter-een-mas, in it’s essence, is a holiday for gamers. It is a celebration of games and the gamers who play them. Video games allow us to do things, go places, see stuff that we couldn’t do in real life. They can be an escape from reality, a release after a long day, […]
Well, as I promised, today I am releasing the first of the Winter-een-mas greeting cards. These cards are free for everyone to use. Just print them out on standard 8.5×11 paper, fold them and give them away! I reccomend saving them to your computer and then printing them out from there. I left the images […]
Ctrl+Alt+Del has been reviewed on Comixpedia. Go check it out. What do you think? Were they fair? Did they hit it right on the nose? Does CAD only appeal to hardcore gamers? And why the hell did that have to screenshot the ugly, ugly art from the earlier strips? Feel free to place comments below […]
More proof that CAD fans are the coolest people on earth. A lot of people are getting into Winter-een-mas. It’s great to see so many people enjoying it.
I’ve actually decided to release the information about Winter-een-mas on Wednesday, because it fits with the storyline better. I also plan to debut the first of the Winter-een-mas greeting cards then as well. And to all of the donators for December and January: I’ll be sending out the icons and the Winter-een-mas Wallpaper later on […]
That’s right. From here on out, the last week of January, the 25th through the 31st, shall officially be known as Winter-een-mas. The entire month of January will be the Winter-een-mas season, very similar to how christmas works, with the christmas season, and then the holiday. A lot of people are asking me how to […]
I’m sure a lot of you have heard of Starscape. They’ve advertised here before, and will be advertising here again in the future. But if you haven’t check out the game, I suggest going to download the demo. Give it a try. I own the full version myself, and it’s a pretty damned fun game. […]
I’m a bit speechless. I posted a goal of $900, never expecting to even reach it, much less blow it out of the water. Yet here we sit with more than twice that amount in donations. I’m in awe. Not only have you guys covered my moving expenses, but you’ve practically covered all of my […]
You guys are incredible. I woke up this morning to a flood of donations, words of encouragement, good luck wishes and even some offers to help me move my stuff into my new place. I’ll be honest with you. I’ve always been a rather independance minded person. It has never sat completely well with me […]
I went ahead and updated the Fan Art Page. There’s some pretty cool stuff in there. Check it out. And if you want to do some Ctrl+Alt+Del fan art, go ahead and mail it to me. I’ll get it in the fan art section sooner or later, I promise.
And that time of the year approaches once again. You didn’t think I’d forget about it, did you? This is going to be a busy month for me. I’ve got a big move coming up in a few weeks. It’s a big life change, and it’s one that I’m excited about. But I’ll admit that […]
Check out our sponsor this week, Sword in Hand. It’s a pretty cool web comic. Also, my friend Brian Carroll of Instant Classic has started an online film community. If you’re into movies, even if it’s just discussing them, head on over and check it out.
Well, I spent my New Year with my girlfriend, at a four Xbox Halo LAN. There was also some Karaoke Revolution going on the Playstation 2, which proved to be quite amusing. Alltogether a fun night. I hope you all had a good time as well. I know a lot of you have been wondering, […]
I wanted to remind everyone that the new store is up and running. I will be adding new items over the next couple of weeks, which I will also be sure to remind you of. Thanks again. You guys rock!