
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Couple of notes…

October 13, 2003 by Tim

First of all, there have been a few new entries to the Fan Art section. Thanks for sending those in guys. And also, I’ve had a few store orders returned to sender… T-shirts and Posters and such. I have to stress that you please, please, please make sure your mailing address is valid when you […]


by Tim

Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. Savage. So.. I’ve been playing a lot ofSavage lately. And on account of that, this week shall be Savage week here at Ctrl+Alt+Del. We’ll have wonderfully Savage comics all week long, and then top it off by a Savage CAD GameDay this […]

-=[CAD]=- Announcement

October 10, 2003 by Tim

Just a heads up for members of the -=[CAD]=- gaming clan. For the Counterstrike branch: You guys need to hit the CS server sometimes over the course of the weekend for an activity check. Talk to Da Thugs about it. For the RTCW: Enemy Territory branch: You guys have a match Saturday evening (8:30PM EST/5:30PM […]

CAD GameDay: Well, today’s GameDay is officially over. It went absolutely great. We had an awesome turnout, and we ended up playing for about 7-8 hours straight, with a short break in the middle. I want to thank everyone who came out and played. I had a lot of fun, and I’ll be sure to […]

I’m always the last to know..

October 9, 2003 by Tim

Ok, I have apparently made it into the top ten on that Sexiest Gamer thing… for the UK Entries! I don’t know at what point I moved to the UK, but no one bothered to tell me.

Nekocon is a go

October 8, 2003 by Tim

Important stuff today. Read it all. Or moogles will eat your brain. So on a note entirely unrelated to today’s comic, I’ve been playing Savage for the last couple of days. I must say, for the most part, I thoroughly enjoy it, and I feel that it will have to be the game for an […]

Sweet, Sweet Broadband

October 6, 2003 by Tim

I have my cable back, but at the cost of a new modem and an hour and a half with tech support. Yuck. I’m currently working on catching up on everything (you never really realize how fast things move on the internet until you can’t access them for a couple of days). I’mm be working […]

So guess who hasn’t had an internet connection all weekend? One guess. C’mon. You can do it. Just take a stab at it. Yep. Me. My cable went out late Friday night, and when I called technical support, they informed me that they were doing server migration/upgrades and that my cable would be restored by […]

Just to let you know..

October 3, 2003 by Tim

I’ve gotten a couple of emails along the lines of “OMG’S!!1 Penny Arcade and teh PVP are fighting! Are web comicz going 2 endz0r!?!?!1”. Why people felt the need to ask me this, I have no clue. But to answer your question… No. For any of you who thought the currently little back and forth […]

Update Want to see a preview of one of the many new shirt designs on their way to the CAD Store? Click the banner below, then place your vote, and you’ll get a sneak preview! Clicky. /Update As I am sure most of you already know, Valve Software officially announced yesterday that via hacking of […]

America’s Army Addition…

October 2, 2003 by Tim

If you guys don’t want to wait in line at fileplanet, you can also try here. Just do a search for armyops190.exe. I will be announcing the time and server and all of the information you’ll need on Friday. We’ll most likely start early afternoon, and play on different servers/maps for the rest of the […]

Ok, fine

October 1, 2003 by Tim

Apparently some of you are having troubles locating the big “download the free game now” button on the main site, so I’m going to go ahead and link you to it on fileplanet. Get it here. That’s the latest full version of the game.

Ok, I passed out for quite a long while, and am now feeling refreshed. I do believe my brain is functioning on a semi-normal level. And with that, I have a few announcements to make. I want to thank everyone who donated in the month of September. I’ll be sending out your exclusive content by […]


by Tim

Yes. News. Lots of it. But guess what? It’s 6:43am where I am. I haven’t slept. Or have I slept? Was I dreaming? Have I been Tyler longer and longer? It’s called a changeover. The movie keeps going, and nobody notices a thing. My brain is slush. I could of course attempt to tell you […]

Return of the King Trailer!

September 30, 2003 by Tim

Go watch it! Now! Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Trailer

A couple of things to pass on to you. First of all, I will allow you to go drool in the generel direction of this delicious little morsel. Also, a while ago I attempted to set up a regular NWN playing group, but reality sunk in and I just don’t have time for that. However, […]