
Blog posts organized in chronological order


December 31, 2014 by Tim

I started collecting the Hot Toys line of Marvel sixth-scale figure this year. I’ve long been a Marvel fan, and I love what they’re doing with their cinematic universe, so when I saw the products Hot Toys were producing, I had to own one. An Iron Man led to a Captain America, which led to […]

Story Mode

December 24, 2014 by Tim

In fairness, beginning to spin some narrative into it’s new world-building franchise makes a lot of sense for Microsoft. Minecraft is huge, we all know that, but if Microsoft wants to start seeing a return on their massive investement, they need to expand and grow the brand. Adding some context and characters to that universe […]

Destiny Redux?

December 15, 2014 by Tim

I still can’t decide if I love or hate Destiny. I fell off playing it pretty hard back in October… I think I just reached the limit of what I was interested in committing to the game at the time. At the cusp of a big game release season, the time required to grind gear […]

Dragon Age: Still Inquisitioning

December 5, 2014 by Tim

I feel like I should provide an update to my Dragon Age: Inquisition thoughts, on account of the fact that I’m still playing it two and a half weeks later, which is possibly the most ringing endorsement I could give a game. Between writing and drawing two full-length comic book series now, the regular strips, […]

Ctrl+Alt+Del Black Friday Sale

November 27, 2014 by Tim

Not to miss out on the festivities, we’ve gone ahead and reduced prices on everything in our online store. If you’ve been interested in a shirt or book we have, you’re going to want to jump on it soon because this is also sort of “now or never” sale. I’m going to be moving forward […]

SUMO just launched their mobile site, and to celebrate, are offering discounts on all chairs purchased via mobile. They also sent me over some special Black Friday coupon codes you guys can use to save as well. $50 off the Gigantor and Titan (my personal favorite) beanbag chairs: BLACK50 $100 off the Maximus and Titanium […]

End of issue one

November 25, 2014 by Tim

And with that, issue one draws to a close. Regularly scheduled updates will resume on November 28th. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, everyone!

Dragon Age Inquisition Review

November 21, 2014 by Tim

Five Things I Like About Dragon Age Inquisition 1) One of the biggest complaints I, and many others, had about Dragon Age 2 were the tiny, repetitive corridors that functioned as the game’s “dungeons/areas.” They had one linear stretch of cliffside, for instance, and you visited it fifty million times over the course of the […]

Omnibus poll

November 20, 2014 by Tim

A few weeks ago I mentioned a hypothetical Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 “boxed set.” A book set collecting the first ten years of comic strips in one place. While it’s way, way too early to really go into much detail, I had also discussed a potential format for these books, in which all of the original Ethan […]

Far Cry 4 is fun. It’s Far Cry 3, but better. There’s some bugginess, but nothing I haven’t managed to overlook. Co-op is the best new addition. GTA5 next gen… I haven’t played much of it, but it’s GTA5. With better graphics. So that’s awesome. The first-person mode tipped me over the edge to buying […]

This War of Mine

November 16, 2014 by Tim

If you enjoy roguelikes in the vein of FTL, I highly recommend you check out This War of Mine. It just launched on Friday. It puts you in the position of civilians trying to survive in the middle of a warzone, a perspective we don’t often get to see in video games. From a gameplay […]

Assassin’s Creed Unity Review

November 14, 2014 by Tim

Five Things I Liked About Assassin’s Creed Unity 1) Paris. Wow. The city is the true star of this game. The graphics of Unity are definitely a joy to experience, and scream “this is next gen.” While Black Flag had some enjoyable naval stuff going on, none of the carribean settlements can hold a candle […]

Assassin’s Creed Unity

November 12, 2014 by Tim

So I fired up some Unity last night. I only got to play a small portion of it, because my download got interrupted over the course of the day, and I only had a fraction of playable data to work with. Still, it gave me a taste of the game, and I got up this […]

Full issue

November 7, 2014 by Tim

Just a reminder that if you don’t want to wait for daily updates, you can always purchase and read the entire first digital issue of Analog and D-Pad. The support is always appreciated, but by no means mandatory. Everyone gets the same issue, you can just decide how quickly you want to get it.

Reboot Q n’ A Video

November 5, 2014 by Tim

The recording from the live reboot Q&A the other night is now online if you missed it. Something was up with my mic, so there’s some feedback happening from time to time. Didn’t realize it until after the stream was over, and there’s not much I can do about it now, so I’d suggest just […]

Christian’s Van

November 3, 2014 by Tim

If you’ve been visiting the site long enough, you may remember me talking about my friend Christian DeReimer from time to time. I originally met Christian way back at the first Digital Overload in 2006, and for the past eight years I’ve been fortunate enough to get to know him and his family a bit. […]

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