
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Heads up

June 6, 2003 by Tim

I will be taking down my Cafe Press store at the end of the month. Some of you may have heard of the policy changes that are taking place over there, and I’ve decided I don’t agree with them. So at the end of the month, when these changes go into effect, I’m going to […]

Update: We had some server maintenance take place spur of the moment… I’m sure a lot of you saw the problems. Looks like we’re back online now. Comic is up. I had been planning to do something different, but halfway through inking the originally planned strip, I came up with this, and I liked it […]

Ramblings and reviews

June 4, 2003 by Tim

Well, two of our new reviewers have turned out more content in one day than I can usually in a month. This is of course because I am in the midst of finals at school. The hellspawned tests and projects that are hurled at me from all angles… Plus I’m in the midst of some […]

Thursday Update: The definition of stupid: Knowing that you have lots of work to do, and not a lot of time to so it in, but still getting yourself involved in a game like Ragnarok Online Seriously. I was curious… I keep hearing people talk about this game, so I decided to try it out. […]


June 2, 2003 by Tim

Hehe ok, it’s officially Tuesday here. You guys can stop voting now. You all did great, seriously. The show of support was tremendous. Unfortunately, we only amassed 2,500 votes for the day, and the day’s unique visitor count was over 14,000. This means that not only will I not be increasing my update schedule, but […]

As of right now we have 2,472 votes on Top Web Comics. We’re in first place right now with more than triple the votes that Mall Monkeys has. But once again, please do not cheat on TWC. We want to do this fairly, and cheating will only hurt us in the long run. I’ll see […]

But don’t cheat. Using proxies to vote more than once is cheating, and if they catch it, we’ll be kicked out of the running and it will make us look bad. They don’t look kindly on cheating, and neither do I. I appreciate the sentiment behind it, but not the action.

Alright, allow me to start off with this. Some of you who read my news post yesterday already know about this. Basically, I’ve been examining my schedule and my life over the last week or so, and I’ve decided that I could update the comic four times a week instead of just three, and not […]

Bad news first, good news last

June 1, 2003 by Tim

Bad news: We didn’t get nominated in any categories for the Web Cartoonists Choice Awards. I didn’t really expect to get one, I was just sort of hoping. Looking at the list of nominees, the same web comics (PA, Megatokyo, Mac Hall) were nominated in practically every category, which leads me to believe that most […]

Almost done

May 31, 2003 by Tim

I think I’ve hit the halfway point for this poster. Going to put some heavy work into it tonite, and see if I can pull it out. As soon as I have it finished, I’ll post a preview.


by Tim

A few of you have been asking me about my PlanetSide account. If you want to play with me, and you’re allied with the Vanu Sovereignty, I’m on the Emerald server, and my character name is AndreGalan.

That will be…. just fine

May 30, 2003 by Tim

I thought I’d share an email I received a few days ago: “Hi! My name is (edited) and I really enjoy your comics. But now you never post them anymore. What I’m trying to say is that i love your site because of its comics and the feeling that you always post a comic every […]

PlanetSide and NEW reviewers

May 28, 2003 by Tim

Well, my PlanetSide review is up. I used the new CAD review format I’ve been working at for some time now, so go check it out Also, I still need the email addresses from Rimman and IonFizzle, please send them to me at [email protected] so I can get everyone the CAD reviewer gear. For those […]


by Tim

So I went to see Bruce Almighty on Monday night. It was a pretty good movie. Entertaining, funny. I laughed. But that’s not why I brought it up. Before the film they showed the new Hulk trailer. One word describes it to a T. Stunning. I’ll be the first admit, that when I see something […]


May 26, 2003 by Tim

Stupid holiday. I completely forgot that nothing would be open today, and I had been counting on using the morning to run errands. I have today and tomorrow off, so I’ll be relaxing and trying to play catch up. I have some good news for anyone who was ordered Signed Prints. I stayed up late […]

PlanetSide and Reviews

May 25, 2003 by Tim

Well I bought Planetside, along with a massive Saitek joystick. I’m looking forward to giving them both a good test, although in reinstalling windows I had to wipe out my Linux partition, just because Windows is a bitch like that. This has had consequences, which I will mention below. For those who pay attention to […]