
Blog posts organized in chronological order

And we’re live

May 23, 2003 by Tim

Comic is finally up. I apologize for the delay. Sometimes (all the time) real life just screws everything up, and I’ve had a rough week. Today’s comic is about this. It’s a hefty file, so if you’ve got dial-up, by the time you download this movie, the game will already be out. But if you […]


by Tim

I’m sure many of you noticed the site was having troubles today. My host was performing maintenance, we weren’t ‘hacked’. In unrelated news, the comic is going to be up late today. Personal life issues have delayed it. I’ll explain later.


May 21, 2003 by Tim

Chef Brian has made a wonderful appearance over at Slackerz. I came across comic a couple fo weeks ago. It’s been around a while, but doesn’t update very often, so there aren’t many strips. But it’s well drawn and funny. I had planned to wait until they had more strips under their belt to mention […]

Well, I saw it. Thought it was pretty damn good, too. I know Absath will probably skewer me for this, but I thought it was definitely as good as the first movie. I’m going to be writing a big review, hopefully I’ll have a few guests commenting on it as well, because I think The […]

Go figure

by Tim

I spend a couple of hours washing and waxing my car yesterday… and then it rains today. Stupid Cape Cod weather. Sonuva…

It’s here! It’s here!

May 19, 2003 by Tim

Right. Comic is up. Terribly sorry about the delay, ol’ chap. Won’t happen again. Yes it will. Least I Could Do has decided to sponsor us once again. So head on over to their site and check it out, as a thank you. The nominations round for the 2003 Web Cartoonist’s Choice Awards closed last […]


by Tim

Comic will be up later this afternoon. Work takes precedence. Sorry.

Best. Movie. Ever.

May 16, 2003 by Tim

I just got done watching Equilibrium on DVD. I am speechless. This movie was put together so well, it astounds me. And I’m fairly certain that it isn’t just that it’s being compared to the recent disapointment that was Reloaded, either. The story was cool and well set up. Believable and well acted. The fight […]

Ok, so there’s one drawback to letting the comics auto-post. I forget about the damned news updates. Let’s get this out of the way now. No, I did not like The Matrix: Reloaded. Here is a recap of why: I thought the fight scenes were cool, and the special effects were great. I thought that […]


May 15, 2003 by Tim

It’s official. I didn’t like The Matrix: Reloaded. I loved the fight scenes and special effects. They were very entertaining. I loved the story, they had some great ideas and great twists. I very much did not like the two in the same movie. At least not the way it was filmed. The fighting scenes […]

Well, I don’t know what Absath is talking about. That movie ruled.

Well crap…

by Tim

I just got back from seeing The Matrix: Reloaded. All I can say is…. meh. I’ll sleep on it, but I wasn’t exactly thrilled.

It’s how many panels?!

May 14, 2003 by Tim

Yeah, you’ll notice that today’s strip is freakishly long. I couldn’t help it. The three day a week update schedule puts certain limitations on what I can cram in to story certain story arcs. There is supposed to be an advanced screening of The Matrix: Reloaded around here tonite, which I am definitely planning on […]

Son of a….

May 12, 2003 by Tim

Ugh, I’m tired. I’ll make this short at sweet. The comic is up. Most of you already know that, since the comic was up waaaaaay before this news post. E3 starts this week. No, I don’t get to go. I’m no one important like that. But I’ll be following what I can. I’m sure there […]

conflict resolution…

May 10, 2003 by Tim

This weekend we’re going to attempt to work out as many compatibility issues with the site design as possible. Our goal is to get it running on recent versions of Netscape, IE and Opera. We currently only have Netscape and IE running over here so you Opera folks are going to have to help us […]


May 9, 2003 by Tim

Even though I am not an artist, I am a writer, and I can tell you that writitng episodic humor is tough, period. Scott Kurtz is one of my idols when it comes to comics. PVP is probably one of the most well written, well developed comics ever, well deserving of its massive readership and […]