I’m going to do a live Q&A on Twitch this evening at 6pm EST. Tune in and join chat to ask questions. Alternatively, if you can’t make the live stream, you can leave a question for me on Twitter @TimCAD and I’ll try to get to it. I’d like to keep the focus on questions […]
If you’ve been visiting the site long enough, you may remember me talking about my friend Christian DeReimer from time to time. I originally met Christian way back at the first Digital Overload in 2006, and for the past eight years I’ve been fortunate enough to get to know him and his family a bit. […]
Tonight at 9pm EST I’ll be streaming some more of the Evolve alpha. Tune in if you’d like to watch, or even join the chat and hang out. Watch live video from TimCAD on www.twitch.tv Here’s the Evolve footage from the other night:
Starting today, for the next 28 days, the comic will update daily. One new page a day until the issue is complete. You can choose to check in every day for the new page, you can wait a while and then catch up on a bunch of pages, or if you wish, you can purchase […]
With Issue #01 of the new Ethan and Lucas adventures imminent, I want to take one last chance to direct your expectations. The new series will be written and produced in the same fashion as a comic book. Each “issue” will be completed in its entirety before it is released. When I release an issue, […]
There’s a conception among the MOBA genre that each new big game since DOTA gets progressively… simpler. “Casual” is the derogatory term I see thrown around quite often (though it also has crossover with MMOs). And there’s some merit to the argument. League removed some of the perceived difficulty of DOTA in a move towards […]
I’m going to be streaming Civilization: Beyond Earth at noon EST. Join me for some warmongering space racism! Watch live video from TimCAD on www.twitch.tv
With Issue #01 of the new Ethan and Lucas adventures imminent, I want to take one last chance to direct your expectations. The new series will be written and produced in the same fashion as a comic book. Each “issue” will be completed in its entirety before it is released. When I release an issue, […]
They wiped the alpha accounts some time back. I need to re-level my account, now that they’ve promised no more wipes. Streaming a bit of it: Watch live video from TimCAD on www.twitch.tv
This week I take a quick look at cutting panels in MS.
Oh, the developers of Hatred might be a bunch of racist, homophobic neo-nazis? I’m so surprised. …Said no one.
I’m not one to shy away from violence in my video games. I’ve enjoyed my Carmageddons, my Soldier of Fortunes, my Mortal Kombats over the years. I don’t consider myself desensitized to violence; violence and trauma in the real world still makes my stomach churn. My wife, a medical professional, told me things she saw […]
I’ve played through about six hours of The Evil Within so far, and it appears to find itself comfortably situated halfway between Outlast (my bar for survival horror games) and Resident Evil. It isn’t as consistently tense or scary as Outlast, and while it shares a lot with Resident Evil (obviously), it does a better […]
Streaming for a little while tonight. That’s it for tonight! Watch live video from TimCAD on www.twitch.tv
I streamed The Evil Within for a few hours last night. You can watch the full recordings here. I’m going to try and stream some more tonight around 8:30 or 9pm EST.
The first batch of orders shipped out yesterday. The rest of the orders will ship out today. If you are in the US, keep an eye out for your order in the next week or so. International, give it a couple of weeks.