
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Omni Reloaded

August 4, 2014 by Tim

The folks over at SUMO sent me a copy of their newest chair to review. I was a little reluctant at first… the last thing my house needs is more SUMOs at this point. But when it arrived, I was pleasantly surprised. Behold, the Omni Reloaded. This is the first SUMO chair I’ve tested in […]

I’ve finally gotten around to formatting the remaining colored pages. They’ve been sitting in a folder for ages. I’m working on getting the pages uploaded to the website, but if you’d prefer a higher-res copy packaged up into a PDF for convenience, you can grab that over here for $0.99.

Flavor of the week

July 21, 2014 by Tim

Thor is soon to be a woman, and a black man will carry the Captain America shield. Comics are definitely in need of a little more diversity, so I think this is a fantastic concept… but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. I don’t mean from the comics side of things… Falcon has […]

Off to ConnectiCon

July 10, 2014 by Tim

We are off to ConnectiCon in Hartford CT this weekend. I’ll be there Friday and Saturday. I know I have a panel tomorrow morning. Be sure to come ask me questions, we’ll chat about comics and games and whatnot. I may be on some other panels later in the weekend, but I’m not sure what […]


July 9, 2014 by Tim

Should you be playing Divinity: Original Sin? Hell yeah you should. I love turn-based tactics games. I love good sandbox RPGs. I love co-op. Divinity: Original Sin has all of these things. It’s a CRPG of the breed I grew up with. It is Baldur’s Gate for today. With co-op. I’m strictly playing it with […]

Fashion Contest

July 8, 2014 by Tim

Wildstar has a nice costume system that lets you show the gear you want, and use separate gear for stats. So I’m holding a little fashion contest for my Wildstar guild. The winning member will receive one C.R.E.D.D. (a month of playtime). So help me out by voting for your favorite costume below! 1. 2. […]

ConnectiCon 2014

July 7, 2014 by Tim

I’ll be at ConnectiCon in Hartford CT this coming Friday and Saturday. I’ll likely have a table somewhere in the Online Media section you can find me at, and I’m sure I’ll be doing a panel or two at some point over the course of the weekend. If you’re in the area, it’s a great […]

Accepting change

June 30, 2014 by Tim

I’ve played Warmachine on and off now for… geeze, six or seven years? I have a lot of money tied up in little metal men, and even more hours than I’d care to count in painting them. It’s safe to say it’s a game I really enjoy. I was a little skeptical when the Warmachine […]


June 25, 2014 by Tim

I really enjoy Wildstar… I haven’t been into an MMO like this since WoW. I could go on and on about everything it does well, but it isn’t without its flaws. I both love and hate the Veteran system at endgame. The concept, going above and beyond to execute objectives flawlessly and being rewarded for […]

Exclusive Wallpaper

June 19, 2014 by Tim

Patrons got this exclusive wallpaper this month!


June 18, 2014 by Tim

I don’t even know how to hype Spintires. It’s a fun game, but trying to explain it to anyone… “It’s an offroad sim… you drive Russian trucks through the Russian countryside… there’s lots of mud… sometimes you haul logs. It’s awesome.” By the strict description of the game, and hell, even trailers, it defies logic […]


June 16, 2014 by Tim

I’m not really that big into shooters, especially on consoles. I enjoy them well enough, but I wouldn’t place them in my top three favorite genres. So when Destiny was announced, I was certainly intrigued, but at the same time, pretty skeptical. I pre-ordered the game mostly because it felt like it was going to […]


June 9, 2014 by Tim

I haven’t touched League since last fall. Towards the end I had forsaken 5’s as too sour, toxic and dull an experience, and was strictly playing ARAM on Murder Bridge. And even that became serious business to people and lost it’s fun value. Eventually I stopped watching the tournaments, and that was it for me […]

Wildstar: Mm mm good.

June 6, 2014 by Tim

I love Wildstar’s interactivity. Wherever it can, the game seems to try and present you with stuff to do, even when it involved simply accessing a terminal or picking something up. Where other MMOs would simply have you click, maybe even wait out a cast timer, Wildstar says “make this happen.” Tap the button, hit […]

Wildstar Guild News

May 31, 2014 by Tim

Just hit Level 12… small snag though, guilds now cost 10gold to create. I don’t think the monetary requirement was there when I looked in early beta. If you want to chip in a few silver to get us there, you can mail it in-game to Exanimus. Otherwise, sit tight while I farm up eight […]

Start the head start already!

May 30, 2014 by Tim

So Battlefield is getting into the Cops and Robbers business. It will be interesting to see how the concept of law and justice meshes with wide-spread murder and bringing buildings. I mean, “levelutions.” We’re just hours away from the Wildstar headstart now. I’m excited to get going, and start meeting all my new guildmates! Like […]

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