I am back from Wisconsin, and I had loads of fun at Geek.Kon. A great convention with great staff and attendees. I’ve done a lot of conventions in the past decade, and Geek.Kon’s guest staff was hands-down the most attentive. Big thanks to everyone that came to my panels and swung by the table. I […]
I picked up Splinter Cell: Blacklist yesterday. Full disclosure, I have not touched single player. At least not more than the intro mission the game requires you to play in order to reach the game’s menu (and therefore, multiplayer). I find it a little annoying that you not only have to load into single player […]
On August 23rd I’ll be out west(ish) for Madison Wisconsin’s own Geek.Kon. I’ve never attended a convention out that way, so I’m looking forward to it! I’ll be doing a few panels over the course of the weekend, if you want to come and ask me questions and talk about the past, present and future […]
One of my favorite multiplayer/coop experiences were the Fragile Alliance modes of the Kane and Lynch games. So while the Payday series doesn’t totally recreate that (there’s no versus involved), it comes pretty close. The first game had some major rough edges, but I still really enjoyed it despite getting repetitive very quickly. So I […]
In a few weeks I will be in Madison Wisconsin for Geek.Kon! This will be my first time doing a convention out that way and I’m really excited to check it out. I’ll have a table and will be doing a number of Q&A panels that weekend, so if you’re in the area come on […]
Sony finally showed off Everquest Next last weekend. After years in development, a lot of people were beginning to question if it was vaporware, but oh man it was worth the wait. Up until Friday, Wildstar was the only new MMO on the horizon that really had my attention. After watching EQNext footage and hearing […]
I won’t recap the events that transpired if somehow you have not yet heard the story, but I will offer a brief opinion on it: both parties are incredibly at fault. There is no winner here, and nobody is better off as a result. The entire thing is just sad on both sides. In other […]
Some interesting news over the weekend, apparently Microsoft will be dramatically altering their policies on indie game publishing for their next console. Many of you have probably heard of the ridiculous process (and costs) involved with not only publishing a game to the XBLA marketplace, but patching or updating it after the fact. It’s been […]
Shadowrun Returns finally came out yesterday, and I jumped on for a few hours to check it out. Shadowrun was one of my favorite games on the SNES, and I’ve always really dug the whole fiction. The weak Shadowrun shooter that came out six years ago did nothing to scratch the itch for more decking […]
I’ve been having fun imagining this world where consoles are literally at war with eachother, and I think there’s opportunity for an ongoing thing here. It’s something I can picture visiting from time to time over the course of this upcoming console cycle, however I wouldn’t mind seeing it as a standalone project, either. If […]
A couple of months ago, when Sony and Microsoft were revealing their next consoles, I remarked how stupid I though the idea of a consumer “Console War” was… until I pictured it as an actual war between consoles. Then it looked like fun. I figure it will be at least 7-10 years until the next […]
Update: I’m off to Hartford CT for this year’s ConnectiCon! I’ll have a table Friday and Saturday in the OMG hall. Feel free to swing by and say hello! I’ll have some books and shirts for sale, and even some free posters to give away! I’m also doing a panel Friday afternoon at 4:30pm. Come by and […]
I’m going to be at ConnectiCon this Friday and Saturday, in Hartford Connecticut! I’ll have some books and t-shirts, if you’re interested in things with pages or things that cover your nipples. I may also be looking to play some board games in the board game area. I’ll keep you posted. I’m doing a panel […]
The folks over at Blind Ferret have launched a kickstarter to try and make a game based on Looking for Group. Their goal is a 4-player co-op RPG, with sort of a Gauntlet vibe, and they need money to make it happen. It’s got ‘splosions, and smashing, and probably some stabbings, so why not give it […]
Over a week since I finished the main campaign for The Last of Us, and I’m still playing multiplayer. Nightly, and for hours at a time. Not only is that a huge surprise in general, but ringing endorsement for how much Naughty Dog got right in comparison to their earlier attempts at multiplayer add-ons. I […]
I didn’t back the Ouya last year. As a games platform, it has zero appeal to me. I see how it could be interesting, but the sort of simple “mobile” type games it offers, I rarely even play on an actual mobile device. When I sit down on the couch to play a game, I […]