As you’re probably aware, our wonderful sponsors are a big part of keeping this site running, and letting me continue to put out the comics for you. This month we’re being sponsored by the great folks over at DK Online, a nifty new free-to-play MMO with some neat features such as the ability to transform […]
First of all, both my wife and I want to thank each and every one of you for the tremendous support you’ve shown. It’s been emotionally taxing watching Simon go through this, and coming so close to losing him, but all of your words of well-wishing have helped a great deal. It’s so nice to […]
If you or anyone you know is a big World of Warcraft fan, I’ve got my Sideshow Collectibles Blood Elf Rogue vs Draenei Paladin diorama on eBay. Since I no longer play WoW, and the diorama is fairly humongous, I’ve been thinking about getting rid of it for a while now. I figure this is […]
I went to bed without actually checking if the button to buy a print worked. Woops. It should be fixed now.
Happy Winter-een-mas! Today is the first day of the holiday, and I’ve been getting a lot of questions the last couple of weeks whether or not I’d be celebrating it this year. The answer is yes, I had been planning to. Not in the comic itself, because I feel like Winter-een-mas was always so much […]
Some friends and I are going to play Path of Exile shortly. If you’re curious about the game, or just want to bet on which of us dies first, tune in and watch! Watch live video from timcad on
Oh, here’s a launch trailer for the open beta that shows off the game. Path of Exile
It seems like there was a bit of a drought in good action RPG’s for a while there after Diablo 2, but lately it’s a veritable smörgåsbord. Torchlight came out, followed by Diablo 3, and now we’re swimming in them. I’m on of the people who enjoyed Diablo 3 for a while, for what it […]
Nasty head cold kicked my ass today. I’m going to sleep. For the whole weekend.
Some of you may recall that early last year I made my first foray into the land of Pokemon when Black/White came out. To recap, I was a little too old when Pokemon Red/Blue came out, so I never hopped aboar that particular bandwagon. I then mostly ignored the games for the next fifteen years, […]
I dropped the ball. I thought I had talked about Kingdom Death here before this, and it turns out I hadn’t. And now the kickstarter is closed. Doh. Still, if this game makes you squee as much as it makes me squee, I urge you to toss it in your bookmarks. Release is still quite […]
I’ll be a guest at ConnectiCon in July, and it’s shaping up to be a good one. They’ve just announced Chief Tyrol from BSG as a guest, and they have some more big names in the pipeline. You can get your tickets right up until the very day of the event, but today is the […]
I’m told that until January 15th, if you use the promo code catchemall in our store, you’ll get 10% off.
I stayed away from FTL for as long as I could. I love hard games with harsh penalties, up to and including permadeath. And by association, I love roguelikes. And I also knew that FTL stood to be potential crater of a timesink, so I put it off. And then it was on the Steam […]
Most likely the “multiplayer” is some straight up competitive deal, like what Uncharted started doing with their later games. And that’s fine, because some franchises can do co-op better than others, and I’ve always sort of disliked co-op that is sort of just tacked on to the main single player element. The sort where you’re […]
I’ve got so many games in my Steam library that I have never played, as a result of these damned Steam sales. Where once I got excited at the prospect of dirt cheap games, I now see it for the curse it is. They are irresistable. The rational argument of cost vs free time goes […]