
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Winter-een-mas and Thanks

January 30, 2012 by Tim

I hope you’ve all had a great Winter-een-mas so far! This year has been one for the books for me. I had a bunch of friends come stay with me for the weekend. We’re all really spread out around the US and Canada and generally play games together online, so it was really special to […]

Winter-een-mas LeagueFest!

January 25, 2012 by Tim

Join us on League of Legends for Leaguefest tonight! Just click create/join chatroom, and enter CADLeaguefest!

When I started putting together this year’s Winter-een-mas story arc, I began to envision this huge tournament that would take place to determine who deserved to wear the Winter-een-mas crown. Not just sitting around playing video games, but an ultimate competition in the vein of Battle Royale/The Running Man/The Hunger Games that would push the […]


by Tim

Happy Winter-een-mas, everyone! I’m still working hard to get today’s Winter-een-mas update ready to post, so unfortunately I’m going to be a little bit late to the WEMas Leaguefest this afternoon. You guys can go ahead and get started without me though, and I’ll join you as soon as I possibly can! All you have […]

WEMas 2012!

January 20, 2012 by Tim

I’m in the midst of planning a few GameDays to celebrate Winter-een-mas 2012 this year. I’m having a bunch of friends come stay with me the latter half of the holiday for gaming and general mischief, so I’m trying to cram as much into the opening days of the celebration as possible. I can tell […]

It looks like Wednesday’s protest against SOPA/PIPA has been heard in a lot of the right places. SOPA has been tabled for the time being with the representative from Texas who introduced the bill stating that he agreed it needed to go back to the drawing board. It’s a step in the right direction, but […]

The Razer Headset contest was a really tough one to judge! You guys sent in some amazing photos of weird stuff on your heads, and I wish I could give a headset to everyone. But they only sent me three, so I narrowed down the entries the best I could. I ended up with sixteen […]


by Tim

I absolutely support the right of companies and individuals to attempt to combat and prevent the theft and piracy of their copyrighted materials. You could argue that SOPA and PIPA won’t even stop all piracy, and you’d be right. But that doesn’t mean that companies aren’t entitled to continue trying to find the solution(s) that […]

SWTOR by Razer: The Headset

January 13, 2012 by Tim

The Razer SWTOR headsets showed up at my door a couple of days ago, and of the three SWTOR peripherals I was the least excited about this one. I have a pair of Astro A40s that I absolutely love, so the SWTOR headset had some high standards to live up to. After using this headset […]


January 11, 2012 by Tim

Thank you all for voting for the Razer SWTOR mouse finalists over the weekend! The top three entries have been notified and I’ll be sending out their new mice and mousepads this week! So congratulations to Andy kephalidis (#3), Liga Smilskalne (#4), and Bryan Broom (#9)! In other news, Winter-een-mas Season is in full swing now, and a […]

Honorable Mentions

January 6, 2012 by Tim

There were a couple of entries that I liked, but couldn’t choose them as finalists because they didn’t fall within the rules of the contest. David Shields’ drawing of a screenshot featuring Darkseid got a laugh out of me. And I really wanted to choose this painting by Roxanne Splitt, but unfortunately she used screenshots […]

There were a ton of great entries, but I’ve managed to select ten finalists that I feel capture the goal of the contest, which was to convey “Light Side” or “Dark Side” though photo-manipulation of a SWTOR screenshot. Now it’s time for you guys to choose the winners! The top three finalists will each receive […]

At the top

January 4, 2012 by Tim

Just a reminder that tonight at midnight is the deadline to submit your entry for the Razer SWTOR mouse contest. After tonight I’ll be picking my ten favorite submissions, and then I’ll put them up for everyone to vote on them. I’ve hit level 50 in SWTOR, so it’s finally time to see how the […]

SWTOR by Razer: The Mouse

December 30, 2011 by Tim

The folks over at Razer sent me some of their Star Wars: The Old Republic branded PC peripherals for review. I was ogling the design of these a little earlier this year when I first saw them announced, so I’m excited to get my hands on them and give them a test run, both in […]

The patches begin

December 28, 2011 by Tim

So, SWTOR had its first substantial patch since launch yesterday, and Slicing got nerfed. I can’t imagine that there’s a single slicer out there, myself included, that didn’t see it coming a mile away though. I think it was somewhere around level 20, when my Trooper was rolling around the galaxy with three-hundred thousand credits […]

Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2011 by Tim

Merry Christmas to all my Christmas-celebrating readers! And Happy Various Holidays to everyone else! I hope everyone has a nice relaxing day with great food, and lots of loved ones!

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