
Blog posts organized in chronological order


February 19, 2005 by Tim

The original art auction has gotten pretty high, pretty quickly. I wasn’t expecting that. I figure at this point, anyone who wants the artwork that much deserves a little something extra, so I will be including a free signed copy of Ctrl+Alt+Del Volume One to whoever wins the auction.

World Domination

February 18, 2005 by Tim

I held off from commenting on Electronic Arts for as long as I possibly could, but they just don’t stop. Now it seems they’re trying to finish devouring the french developer UbiSoft. As far as we know, UbiSoft isn’t crazy about this idea, calling EA’s approach “hostile”. Wonderful. I hardly ever sell my original artwork. […]

It’s been a while

February 16, 2005 by Tim

I don’t usually sell original artwork (in fact the last time I did was well over a year ago) but it’s something that a lot of people ask me to do. So I set some time aside this evening and whipped up a picture of Ethan and the gang. It came out really nice, and […]

Comic is up late today because I had to deal with a nasty bout of spyware/malware on one of my computers. I swear this junk is like a zergling rush, and all I had were a couple of SCV’s. No amount of cleaning or any combination of a dozen or more programs was getting it […]

And then some

February 14, 2005 by Tim

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Today’s comic is dedicated to my valentine.

New shirts are up

February 10, 2005 by Tim

The Lilah design, and baby-doll versions of the other two character shirts are finally online and available in our wonderful store.


February 9, 2005 by Tim

Ok, here goes. There will be a “FACT: God hates fanboys” shirt made available at some point. It will be a limited run design, as I don’t see it being necessary to keep this one in stock on a regular basis. We’ll see though… if the first run does well, perhaps we’ll do a second […]

Yes I know

February 7, 2005 by Tim

There is a WarCraft boardgame. There is even a D20 adaptation for Warcraft. But Warcraft and World of Warcraft are not the same game. Also, the response for some sort of anti-fanboys t-shirt has been pretty good, so I’ll see what I can come up with for a limited edition design of that sort.

No knowledge

by Tim

This is purely a hypothetical. I have no knowledge of any plans by Blizzard to come out with a World of Warcraft board game. It wouldn’t be unprecidented, though. Finally started playing KOTOR2, one of the games that slipped by unplayed in 4th quarter ’04 due to the massive influx of games that took place. […]


February 6, 2005 by Tim

Wow, I’m impressed. Not a single hatemail so far. I’m pleased to see that so many people still have a firm grasp on their sense of humor. I’ve received mail over less. Like the time I made fun of DDR. *gasp*

So much hate

February 5, 2005 by Tim

So I’m interested to see how much hatemail I’ll receive about today’s comics, either from the religious folk telling me I shouldn’t be using God to make jokes, or from the console fanboys themselves, doing what they do best, telling me that I’m stupid because their system is better than life itself. We shall wait […]


February 2, 2005 by Tim

Updated my journal/sketchdump/thing today. Edit: Woops. Forgot to select an avatar for this post. Can’t change it now. You’re stuck with the faceless question mark avatar of dooooooom!

This was almost a joke about the use of “green herbs” but I figured every gamer in the world who has ever played a Resident Evil has already made that joke. I finally beat Resident Evil 4 last week. I’d give it the “Best Game of the Year” title, but that would be sort of […]

Just a reminder

February 1, 2005 by Tim

I’ll be down in Orlando, Florida at the end of February for MegaCon. I’ll be hanging out with a couple of other guys, so if you’re in the area, you should swing by and say hello. I will be there all three days. Sobriety is not gauranteed. I’ll probably try to bring some books, some […]

It’s up

January 31, 2005 by Tim

The last comic of Winter-een-mas 2005 is up. Enjoy. I hope you all had a fun, safe and happy Winter-een-mas. There will be no news post today due to personal reasons.


by Tim

Comic will be up late today.