Well, Chef Brian has been on the shelf for about four months now. I figured it was about time he made another appearance. There are a few reasons for this. Chef Brian has a very large cult following. A very large VOCAL cult following, as evidenced by the mass amounts of email I get asking […]
Look, guys, I know that Chef Brian isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Of all the people that read this comic, at least 45% love Chef Brian, 45% hate Chef Brian, and 10% probably just don’t care enough to have an opinion. So either way, whether I run Chef Brian strips or I don’t run any, […]
Well, Chef Brian has been on the shelf for about four months now. I figured it was about time he made another appearance. There are a few reasons for this. Chef Brian has a very large cult following. A very large VOCAL cult following, as evidenced by the mass amounts of email I get asking […]
Today’s comic is for Fable players who had to deal with rescuing that stupid kid from the caves. Perhaps I just suck, but it took me like six attempts to complete that quest. The first time, it was my fault. I can admit that. When I rescued the kid, I beat him within an inch […]
After that first scar, I said to hell with it and uglified him up. Strangely enough, he’s got like fifteen girls in love with him. Go figure.
The move is now two weeks away. For those of you that missed it, I’m moving back up to New England at the end of the month. I anticipate a fairly smooth transition, and I shouldn’t be out of touch for more than a few days. I swear, if I have to go through anything […]
Sonuvabitch… I just got my first scar. I was doing so well too. I was blocking or dodging almost every attack. I got ambushed by some stupid hobbes and got smacked around a few times, and now my character has a garish scar down his left cheek, starting under his eye, all the way to […]
I could probably find some news to post about. It wouldn’t be that difficult. The problem is, in order to do that, I would have to stop playing Fable. I’m afraid I can’t do that guys. I can promise that perhaps, MAYBE sometime next year when this game finally lets go of me, I’ll look […]
Congratulations to Tauhid Bondia and Erik McCurdy on their strip Suzie View, which debuts on comics.com today. Getting your comic on comics.com is the next step closest to syndication and being in newspapers. Good luck guys! Thank you to everyone who ordered a book or shirt yesterday. I only put up a limited amount of […]
I got a kick out of this picture from Ctrl+Alt+Del fan Casey Davis. Though you guys might too.
Ok, I’m all done with this little clearance sale. I would like to thank everyone that bought a t-shirt or a book. Everything went pretty quickly, and it will really help cut back on the amount of things I have to move to Connecticut with me. The store will be put back up sometime in […]
…to bring you an important announcement. Some of you people need to learn to read. I AM NOT SHIPPING TO EUROPE! STOP PLACING ORDERS FOR THE UK!!!! I am ONLY accepting orders for the US/Canada. Don’t make me call wildlife services and have you put down because of toxic stupidity levels. I have begun the […]
–Begin Update– Well, UPS dropped the ball, and I didn’t receive the neat thing I wanted to show you today. I forget if UPS delivers on Saturdays, so I’ll probably be showing you on Monday. However, I can bring you some other news. Earlier this week I explained why I had lost my vacation. I […]
Before anything else here, I would like to congratulate Mike on the birth of his baby boy, Gabriel Aden Krahulik. You have my best wishes, bud. He looks like a champ. Free time for me is something to be coveted and revered. It’s almost akin to water in the desert, providing just enough sustenance to […]
Holy crap, Burnout 3 is a fun game. I don’t want to put it down, it just oozes fun. It’s got a perfect balance between arcade handling and real-world physics. I love a technical racer as much as the next guy, but give me an arcade racer any day of the week. If you don’t […]
Here’s the article that ran in my old local newspaper, the Cape Cod Times: FALMOUTH – Since the Iraq war began in the March 2003, Carol Bagarella has been reminding people to support the soldiers. Now, she said, one of the troops who needs as much support as any is her son. Last month, Marine […]