Take a look at the CAD Exclusives! page. It provides you with all the information you need to know about donating, as well as what spiffy stuff you’ll get in return!
CAD GameDay Currently Not Playing Alright, here’s the deal. For those of you wondering, CAD GameDay is still on for today. Unfortunately at the moment I’m dealing with some unavoidable issues that require my attention, so I am currently unable to solidify a schedule. I can tell you that today’s GameDay will consist of three […]
Alright, here’s the deal. For those of you wondering, CAD GameDay is still on for today. Unfortunately at the moment I’m dealing with some unavoidable issues that require my attention, so I am currently unable to solidify a schedule. I can tell you that today’s GameDay will consist of three short sessions of America’s Army, […]
…That there are some real fucking idiots in this world. Take a look. I am, and always will be of the firm belief that if a kid goes out and shoots someone because he saw it in a video game, either a) the kid was fucked up in the head to begin with, or b)the […]
So we’re almost finished with Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes. We have two more worlds to complete, and then whatever the ending has in store for us. Probably get that wrapped up this weekend, on account of Hunter: The Reckoning, Redeemer comes out next week. If you’ve never gotten a group of your friends together to […]
Well, I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. I couldn’t really decide on a game or demo that was available that I would want to play all day, so this Saturday will consist of multiple games. We’re going to play a few hours of America’s Army, probably an hour or two of the Halo […]
I’ve gotten so many letters of thanks and congratulations today, it’s overwhelming. I’ve made a point of trying to respond to all of them, even with a simple thank you. You guys rock. Also, my friend Sam Logan has congratulated me in picture form. Thanks Sam!
It’s amazing to think that I’ve been doing Ctrl+Alt+Del for a whole year already. Sometime it feels like I only started it yesterday. My good friend and all around awesome guy, Brian Carroll sure hasn’t forgotten how old we are though. Thanks Brian. The concept of the ‘web comic’ seems so simple, doesnt it? I […]
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a representative of Paypal about Beta testing a new payment system for them. Well, it appears to be finally up and running. What the system does is completely bypass the need for an existing Paypal account to order from the store. Previously you were required to […]
I want to thank all of you for all of the great advice you have given me. At first I was trying to reply to each email as they came in, but then I went out for a bit and came back to over 200 emails, and decided to just read them. So thanks to […]
So I finished Max Payne 2 last night, inbetween work. Although I felt the game was entirely too short, I count that towards my feelings that it was an excellent game. And let’s face it. When do we ever not want more of a great game? The end was pretty satisfying, and I’m going to […]
After a long hiatus due to technical reasons, Konsekai: SwordWaltzer has been updated, and should be back to a regular schedule. Also go check out Bug and Slug. Especially read #50. It’s a riot.
The demo has arrived, for those of you that are interested. I’ll prob be giving it a try sometime this weekend.
CAD GameDay:Today we’re playing Savage, so go grab the demo and join us! The GameDay will go from about 12Noon EST until Midnight, or whenever people want to keep playing. Read below for information on how to connect. GameDay is over. It was a blast… probably the best one yet. I want to thank everyone […]
Fucking. Awesome. Max Payne 2 is… fucking. Awesome. Its got all the charm and noir that made the original such a hit, coupled with better graphics and a kickass physics engine. I would tell you more, but that would cut severely into my playing time. And we don’t want that, now do we? Well, maybe […]
Awesome day today. Savage week continues here at Ctrl+Alt+Del. Don’t forget that we’re doing Savage for the CAD GameDay this weekend, so head on over and download the demo. What I’m most excited about today though is Max Payne 2. By the time most of you read this, I’ll have already gone out and picked […]