Apparently we’ve had a Ctrl+Alt+Del Facebook page for years now, and I didn’t realize it. I think Pierre set it up, along with a Twitter account. He may have told me about it, and I forgot. Either way, I’ve found it now, so if you’re on Facebook and you want to keep up with the […]
After way too long, Ctrl+Alt+Del Volume 2 is available again, as well as the all-new Ctrl+Alt+Del Volume 4! Today we opened up preorders for the books, including special discounted bundles and limited edition hardcover copies. If you’ve never seen a Ctrl+Alt+Del book, let me tell you, they’re pretty nice. We spare no expense, and they’re […]
The planned start time for the Book preorder sale is Monday at 9am PST (Noon EST). I know people are looking to grab themselves one of the limited hardcover copies, because they’re so… hard and shiny and sexy… so 9am PST is the time you’re aiming for!
Five years ago we relased Ctrl+Alt+Del Volume 3: Critical System Failure. And since then, I have not released Volume 4. Honestly, I have no real excuse. I just keep putting it off, telling myself “I’ll work on it later this year” or “I’ll do it right after this other project I’m working on” and it […]
I’ll be at ConnectiCon 2012 as a guest in a week and a half. I don’t know what panels I’ll be doing, but I know for sure that I’ll be hanging out in the board game room looking to get some games going. I’ll try and have a sign or something so you can find me easily. […]
I get a lot of emails from people asking if they can purchase signed copies of individual comics from the archives. It’s something we used to offer back in 2003, but eventually stopped due to overwhelming demand. I’ve still gotten requests for them over the years, but didn’t have anything set in place to facilitate […]
While I sit and patiently wait for access to the Source Film Maker, I’ve been dabbling with some other games. A while back I tweeted about Chris Hecker’s Spy Party, and I’ve finally gotten my hands on the beta. It really is a game like no other. The graphics are fairly rough, as it’s being […]
I get a lot of emails from people asking if they can purchase signed copies of individual comics from the archives. It’s something we used to offer back in 2003, but eventually stopped due to overwhelming demand. I’ve still gotten requests for them over the years, but didn’t have anything set in place to facilitate […]
It’s finally time to announce the completed phrase, and with it the winners of four free SUMO Omnis, courtest of Sumo Lounge! These words were selected at random from over twenty-thousand submissions over the four day period! June 25th Entry: Rolling Pin submitted by Zachary Johnson! June 26th Entry: Stalk of Celery submitted by Sean […]
Entries for the first Phrasal Template Art Smash have now drawn to a close. I’ve selected one winner from each day’s submissions, along with their word, and will now draw a wallpaper of the scene depicted. I’ll release that, along with the names of the four winners this weekend (likely Saturday afternoon). Additionally, the four […]
Ok, so here’s how this is going to work: I’m going to give you a phrase with blanks in it, like Mad Libs. There are four words that need to be filled in. Over the next four days, I’ll take submissions for each word, one day at a time. At the end of the week […]
The second episode of Telltale Games’ Walking Dead game finally released today, and I sat down and gobbled it all up in a single sitting. I’ve been waiting anxiously for more Walking Dead since playing episode one, and I was not at all disappointed. The Walking Dead focused heavily on choices, and every choice you […]
Day one entries are in the bag! All submissions received today (Tuesday) will be considered entries for the second word in the phrase!
As I mentioned last week, I’ve teamed up with the awesome guys over at SUMO Lounge to bring you a fun week-long contest where you have a shot to win a free SUMO Omni, and at the very least get a wild new wallpaper at the end of the week. I give you… Ok, so […]
Make sure you tune in on Monday, I’m going to be launching a pretty cool contest next week that will give you a chance to win one of four SUMO beanbag chairs.
I’ve been hearing about Day Z for a few weeks, but up until recently I was pretty focused on Diablo 3. Now that I’ve moved on from that, I decided to look into this mod for Arma 2 because, hey, I love zombies. It’s not what you would call a straightforward install… there are a […]