I have got serious Star Wars on the brain lately. TOR has just about dominated my free time (and even some time that shouldn’t be free). A few months ago I commented on how I was worried that underneath all of the Star Wars glamor and tons of voice-acting, the game would be just like […]
CAD – Winter-een-mas 2012 Hoody design @ © SplitReason.com
So… I’d originally written a third (and even a possible fourth) comic to the “Players in TOR” series. But when it came down it it, I just wasn’t feeling it. I sat down to draw it out, and I wasn’t enthusiastic about it, so I scrapped it and did something else. Apologies if you were […]
The official CAD SWTOR guilds, Kinetic and Potential, have both been assigned to the Sith Meditation Sphere server. While the guilds are currently full, if you’d like a chance to join us in the future as spots become available, make sure you roll your character on that server, Galactic Republic side, and we’ll get you […]
In just a few short weeks, as soon as the other pesky holidays are out of the way, we’ll be launched into Winter-een-mas preparations for January! The annual Winter-een-mas t-shirt is now available in our store (well in advance this year), in both men’s and ladies sizes! CAD – Winter-een-mas 2012 t-shirt design @ © […]
Apparently someone made a Skyrim iPhone app called Dragon Shout. Though at first the idea sounds amusing and silly and unecessary, I’ll be the first one to admit that the app actually looks pretty handy. Right now it’s a world map where you can place markers for locations of things, items you need to come […]
The Four Ponies of the Apocalypse T-Shirt is now available in women’s sizes! CAD – The Four Ponies baby tee design @ © SplitReason.com
With the last SWTOR beta weekend also comes the end of SWTOR’s guild pre-launch program. On December 2nd Bioware will start assigning guilds to various servers in preparation for early access. Our two guilds, Kinetic and Potential, are currently sitting at the cap of five-hundred members each, with over four hundred applicants still waiting for […]
I OD’d on Tryptophan yesterday, so just whipped up some steampunk artwork for fun. May color it later on, or perhaps one of you better colorists out there will take a crack at it and I’ll post that. Hope everyone had a fantastic Turkey Day, and I hope everyone has a great SWTOR beta weekend!
Through Digital Overload sponsorship the last five years, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Andrew, the man behind SUMO. I’ve also gotten used to seeing him bring out new SUMO chairs every few months, but recently I stumbled on their “High End” section. Holy mackeral. Not only do they now sell a SUMO […]
I feel like I may be the slowest Skyrim player around. Everyone else on my XBL friends list is level 40+… my little Orc is level 15. I finally just got over to the Grey Beards for the first time. I’ve been afflicted with a serious case of wanderlust, and while it is providing me […]
I’m having a lot of fun with Skyrim. It’s pretty much what you’d expect from a Bethesda open-world RPG… lots of exploration, tons of content, and a truckload of freedom to do all sorts of crazy shit. On the downside… it’s also exactly what you’d expect from a Bethesda open-world RPG. And by that I […]
We now have an official website and forums for both guilds, located here! From here on out we will be using this site for news and updates regarding the sister guilds Kinetic and Potential in The Old Republic. This will be especially important as we near release and need to coordinate making sure everyone ends […]
Happy 236th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps.
With one guild full, and still over six-hundred applications waiting to be approved, there was just no way to get around the need for a second guild to house everyone. We’ve now opened up Potential, the sister guild to Kinetic. Through a unified website and ventrilo server, these two guilds will be run as a single […]
If you got a “suspicious site” warning (but clearly clicked through it anyway), you have nothing to worry about. There is no malware on this site. Someone at our advertising management company accidentally typo’d a URL in one of our advertiser’s banners. Instead of pointing to “dragonballz.com”, it pointed to “drangonballz.com”, which was a suspicious […]