
Blog posts organized in chronological order

I live to serve

September 1, 2007 by Tim

As requested, here are some wallpapers of the last two panels of today’s comic in high res. No thumbnail because I guess people don’t like it when the comic is spoiled for them. 1024×7681280×10241600×12001920×1200 (widescreen) I’m finally moving later this week, so news posts may be sparse. You know how it goes with getting your […]

Well MET. How ARE you today, PRAY?

August 29, 2007 by Tim

Bioshock still sits there on the shelf, unopened, taunting me. Next week is the big move, after which I will happily delve into the watery depths. In the meantime, I shall occupy my  free moments with other games. Two Worlds is not one of these titles. A few people asked me to elaborate on what […]

Two Worlds

August 28, 2007 by Tim

Heh, wow. This game sucks balls. Ahh well, “forsooth, STRAIGHT to the shelf with YE!”


August 27, 2007 by Tim

Thanks for all the feedback concerning the Player One/Player Two shirts. We’re definitely going to go ahead and print them. Then sometime down the road I’ll see about maybe doing  Player Three/Player Four. When we put out new merchandise I like to put up a bunch of items at once, so in case somebody wants […]


August 25, 2007 by Tim

*scratches Twilight Princess off his list* I beat it. Yay me.


August 24, 2007 by Tim

The skate. demo came out earlier this week. I think I have another game to buy in September. I remember when Tony Hawk first came out on the Playstation years back and totally rocked our video game skating world. And for the past ten or so years that’s pretty much all we’ve had. And some […]

TF2: Soldier

August 22, 2007 by Tim


I’m getting a lot of requests for a wallpaper from today’s comic, so… here you go. (moved it to a separate newspost further down the page so it wouldn’t spoil the comic for people) 1920×12001600×12001280×10241024×768

I’ve got a couple of other things to show you today as well. First of all, the magnets. These sold really well, and a lot of people liked them, so as promised, I’m making another couple of sets. They’re not on sale yet, but here’s a preview. Also some people have been asking me what’s […]


August 20, 2007 by Tim

So Bioshock hits shelves tomorrow, and like 90% of other 360 owners, I’ll be receiving my copy. I’ve had the collector’s edition pre-ordered for months, since before they even knew what was going to be in the collector’s edition. Well, it turns out it’s a little Big Daddy figurine, and it occurs to me that […]


August 17, 2007 by Tim

Bleh, this whole moving thing is really throwing me for a loop. It’s shocking how much junk you accumulate over time, and how it finds its way into Tetris-like arrangements in closets and corners that betray the true sheer volume of stuff that exists there. My place is slowly turning into a maze of boxes, […]

Gimme some light!

August 13, 2007 by Tim

After watching the Mass Effect video last week, I found myself itching for a rich, involved single-player adventure. So I went rummaging through my games to find any that had been neglected (and unfortunately there are many), and came up with Twilight Princess. Though originally I had been turned off by the really pixelated graphics, […]

Massively effected

August 10, 2007 by Tim

I absolutely devour any tidbit of Mass Effect information that surfaces, so you can imagine when this 15 minute video of new footage, and the first look at the character creator surfaced today, I danced around my office singing a merry little tune. I didn’t actually do that, but you can imagine it. Go ahead, […]


August 8, 2007 by Tim

Please excuse me if news updates seem to come a little later than usual this month. I just got a new place, so I’ll be moving at the end of the month. You know how that goes, gotta pack up your whole life. Got Boogie today. I need more time with it to form a […]

In my ongoing love affair with just about any television series that HBO puts out (with the exception of the Ali G show), I’ve been watching the first two seasons of Extras, which stars Ricky Gervais. As I’m sure most of you know, The Office with Steve Carrell was based off of a British comedy […]


August 1, 2007 by Tim

Woops, ummm, so I was actually supposed to post this on Monday, and I, umm… forgot. But I’m posting to today, so no one needs to know, right? It’ll be our little secret. Just you and me. Click here or on the banner below for the second of my Civilization Daydreams comics. And actually the […]

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