
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Not this galaxy, baby

June 27, 2003 by Tim

Contrary to any conclusions you may draw from today’s strip, I will not be playing Star Wars Galaxies. I’m not going to touch it with a ten foot pole. I wouldn’t touch it with somebody else’s computer. You get the idea. I gave it a fair shot during the beta test, and the game failed […]

It’s gone… *sniff*

June 25, 2003 by Tim

The apparel section of the CAD store is officially discontinued until further notice. Thank you to everyone who bought merchandise, and here’s to hoping Cafe Press doesn’t try to screw me out of the money.

Alright, my spotlight is still up at I Is A Geek if you haven’t checked it out yet and want to. A couple of you have noticed that I have put up the posters in the store for pre-orders. That’s basically the gist of it. I will not begin shipping them until I get back […]

Thanks again

June 23, 2003 by Tim

The applications have started to slow down, with just over 330 sent in, and I must say I didn’t expect anything close to this amount of feedback. I honestly think CAD Media will be a big success with all this help. Needless to say not everyone will make it, but as Absath said, we probably […]

Guess What!

by Tim

I’m moving the closing of the CAD store up a few days. With all of the problems with CafePress, I’ve decided not to take any chances. So the store will be closing on Wednesday night. Last call for any of that Ctrl+Alt+Del merchandise, which will be replaced by new merchandise at some point in the […]


by Tim

First things first… I have been put in the spotlight over at I Is A Geek. You can head over there and read a short bio on yours truly, as well as get a look at my ugly mug and the area in which I draw the strip. It’s a really interesting site… look around. […]


June 21, 2003 by Tim

I just want to thank you all for the tremendous response I’ve gotten to the call in yesterday’s news post. I have recieved well over 250 emails for CAD Media so far. I’m a little behind on answering them right now, but I’m gonna catch up with all of the unanswered mail on Sunday. But […]

It’s abundantly clear that there are, oh… say… a few thousand of you that link directly to the latest comic strip. You are the same people that bypass these quaint little newsposts alltogether, thus keeping yourselves in the dark regarding site updates. You are the same people who went weeks thinking that I had dropped […]

Ctrl Alt Del Needs You

June 20, 2003 by Tim

Hello, as you may know, I’m Andrew Zimmer. I started reviewing for Ctrl Alt Del’s dormant reviews section several months ago, and am proud to have turned out as much content as I have. We here at Ctrl Alt Del have been trying to keep the reviews section afloat, but it simply isnt’ happening. I […]


by Tim

Ok, one of the signed sketches sold. The other one is still up for a couple more days, if anyone wants to try to make a last minute grab for it. Check it out here. Also, I mentioned yesterday that on top of going to ConnectiCon in a few weeks, it also now looks like […]

Ctrl Alt Del Needs You

June 19, 2003 by Tim

Hello, as you may know, I’m Andrew Zimmer. I started reviewing for Ctrl Alt Del’s dormant reviews section several months ago, and am proud to have turned out as much content as I have. We here at Ctrl Alt Del have been trying to keep the reviews section afloat, but it simply isnt’ happening. I […]

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy

June 18, 2003 by Tim

On top of attending ConnectiCon in a few weeks, it also now looks like a very good possibility that I’ll be making an appearance at the Baltimore Comic-Con in September. This is a fairly big event, which is being attended by big names such as Jim Lee, Frank Cho, Scott Kurtz, and more. I’m very […]


by Tim

I want to thank everyone who’s bid on the Ctrl+Alt+Del original artwork that’s up for sale on eBay right now. You guys are great. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can check out the sketches here, and here. For America’s Army fans, the have just announced that the next patch will […]


June 16, 2003 by Tim

The auction has done really well. Surpassed my expectations. I think it’s sort of plateaued for now. I’m going to see if I can find some time to make up a couple more sketches, to give another few people a chance at grabbing some artwork.

UPDATE: Due to the great response of the first sketch, I spent some time this evening to create a second shot, to give someone else a chance to own some original artwork. You can check out the new auction here. As always, bidding starts at $0.01. /end update Only five more days until The Hulk. […]

Hey, it works for Kurtz

June 15, 2003 by Tim

I’ve just listed an original, one of a kind pencil and ink sketch of the Ctrl+Alt+Del gang over on