
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Happy Winter-een-mas, Bungie!

January 28, 2005 by Tim

How could I let this Winter-een-mas pass without thanking the fine folks at Bungie, who brought us Marathon back in the mid-nineties, and went on to develop Myth, Oni, and of course Halo. I will admit that back when I was playing games such as Marathon and Myth, I wasn’t of an age where I […]

Happy Winter-een-mas, Nintendo!

January 26, 2005 by Tim

What can I say? It’s freaking Nintendo. In the console wars of the late eighties and early nineties, I fought bravely on the side of the big N. After the kid down the street got a Nintendo, I started begging my parents for one. They were reluctant to buy me one because they were afraid […]

Put down the pitchforks, folks. It was a joke. I was just playing along with PA’s commentary. The flood of email was incredible. I was surprised to see that so many people thought that such an apprehension of rights as proposed by the Penny Arcade gang was even possible (or legal), not to mention that […]

New direction

by Tim

I’ve been working on some concept sketches for the bold new direction I’ll be taking with the comic. I think things will work out rather well.

Well, my lawyers have just received a notice from the legal representation for Penny Arcade. Turns out they’ve filed for the “rights in perpetuity to any and all humorous comic interpretations and/or situations arising or inferred from the electronic entertainment industry and/or the products thereof.” Basically translated from “lawyerese”, this means that from here on […]

I can still remember my first introduction to your games. It was Christmas, back in the early years of high school. My best friend got a new computer and with it, the Warcraft Battle Chest. Neither of us had heard of the game, but we were anxious to try out the new computer, so we […]


January 24, 2005 by Tim

Well, we got slammed with snow this past weekend. Saturday afternoon is started and didn’t let up until sometime Sunday morning. For me anyway. We only got about 8-9 inches, not as much as some places. I talked to my parents on Cape Cod who got about 2-3 feet. I’ve moved my journal/sketchdump off of […]

This just in

January 21, 2005 by Tim

Just got this from the store, regarding some of the Winter-een-mas shirts: It has been brough to our attention that some people who ordered Winter-een-mas t-shirts and used the “Expedited US Parcel” shipping method have not received their t-shirt yet. The current delay is much longer than it should be and unfortunatly, it’s also something […]

It’s Friday. I’m going to go all over the board today. I think I’m getting close to finishing Resident Evil 4. I’m at very least halfway through. I’m determined to beat this game, which saying a lot for me, because of the hundreds of video games that I own, I can say I’ve beaten maybe […]

Just around the corner

January 19, 2005 by Tim

Winter-een-mas is just around the bend. Are you all ready for the holiday? Sometime very soon I will be posting that the store now carries Baby Doll tees, as well as a brand new character design for Lilah. So keep an eye on the store, or on these newsposts for the announcement. If you haven’t […]

The life of me

January 17, 2005 by Tim

So the last month or so has been pretty interesting for me. I’m sure more than some of you have noticed that I’ve been a bit out of it. Less present in the news posts, in the forums, etc. Work has been pretty busy around the office here, as usual, especially with the Winter-een-mas season […]


January 14, 2005 by Tim

Saturday’s comic will be up late.

WEMas Wallpaper

January 12, 2005 by Tim

Thanks to the magnificent Texan splendor that is my good friend Xero, the first Winter-een-mas wallpaper is up in the downloads section of the WEMas website. I’m working on a WEMas wallpaper of my own, but it’s coming along slowly, with my schedule. Xero really helped me out here by providing a very nifty design […]


by Tim

Alright, I’ve updated the Events section of the Winter-een-mas website with a bunch of new entries. Keep sending in those events, people. I have also started work on the links section. Right now you’ll find there a list of game companies and some email addresses for them. These companies are responsible for providing them with […]

Quick note

January 11, 2005 by Tim

This afternoon I recorded a short interview for Fanboy Radio, that will air during tomorrow’s show at 1pm Central. Just in case any of you wanted to tune in.

Winter-een-mas Events

January 10, 2005 by Tim

I’ve got the events section of the Winter-een-mas website up and running. There are a few events there now, with some more pending further information. If you are organizing a Winter-een-mas event, make sure to email me with as much information as possible. Even if you just want to arrange a time and date for […]