Yes, yes, I finally did a World of Warcraft comic. I know a lot of you were hoping for one, so enjoy. I may be inclined to do more in the future. We’ll see. Thank you to everyone who emailed in support of Monday’s news post about the collection book. I’m just as eager as […]
As proof that the CAD community is ever-growing, and ever a cool place to be a part of, there is now an Official CAD Radio station. Run by CAD fans, for CAD fans. They play mostly different types of rock, and there are some great DJ’s to entertain you as well. It’s some fun stuff, […]
Updated to include some price and ordering info Alright, I promised you guys a news post about the
Yeah yeah, I know I should have had a news post up by now, but I’ve been busy all morning with PURE VIDEO BLISS. Seriously. The new Spiderman 2 trailer looks awesome. Today is the 9th, and tomorrow is the 10th. The Exclusives! wallpaper goes out tomorrow, so today is the last day you can […]
Really, this is important stuff. First of all, if you haven’t been following the Clone Wars micro series, you are totally missing out. There is very little cheese, and a whole lot of what Star Wars should be. Fun stuff. Check it out. And also, there is a brand new Painkiller Demo out. It’s not […]
So I’ve given Lineage 2 a second chance. They put up two new servers last week, and given that a good amount of the fucktards had already started their little avatars of stupidity on the first three, I decided I’d have a go at the new digs. So far it’s been pretty good. With five […]
They don’t show off his spots very well though.
The Splinter Cell GameDay was pretty fun, Unfortunately, a lot of people had a hard time finding the server. But those that did find it joined and had a good time. I’d like to do it again sometime this week, or maybe this weekend, but it will depend on when I find the time. I […]
Ok, here is how this is going to work. I’m going to be playing the retail PC version of Splinter Cell for a couple of two hour periods today, and you are all welcome to join. Make sure you grab the retail multiplayer patch. Current Status: All done for today. Had lots of fun, so […]
This is it. It is my birthday. I am 23 years old. I was actually seriously considering taking the day off, but then I decided that you all shouldn’t be gypped of a comic just for some silly little reason like me being born. So your comic is up. Also, today is a CAD GameDay […]
I have decided that for my birthday, I am going to ressurect CAD GameDays. Saturday will be a Splinter Cell GameDay of sorts. Here’s how it’s going to work. I am going to play Splinter Cell for a couple of (roughly) 2 hour sessions, between 2pm-4pm and between 9pm-11pm. During that time, I will be […]
News Update concerning Splinter Cell GameDay below Well, tomorrow (Saturday, April 3rd) is my birthday. I turn 23 years old. I have existed for 23 years. Not too shabby. I haven’t decided if I’m going to take the day off… most likely not, I’m too stubborn. Probably nothing too exciting. Dinner with my girlfriend, some […]
Donators in March, and the first week of April will receive this spiffy Splinter Cell Wallpaper:
Sometimes I get so busy with work, I completely forget that I have yet to write a news post. Either that or I sleep really late and start my day off with some Splinter Cell. One of the two. I play Splinter Cell at least once a day. Usually I make my own server, because […]
Well, the comic is up. I started it as soon as I woke up, after a night of heavy sleeping. Seriously, this weekend wore me out. I slept like a rock. Actually, scratch that, I slept like a fucking boulder. Never underestimate how tiring a weekend of talking, greeting people, shaking hands etc can be. […]
I just got home. I’m completely exhausted. I’ll do the comic when I wake up, whenever that is. It will be up, but it will be late. I’ll also tell you all about the con sometime this week. In the meantime, check out our two newest sponsors, Laura’s Comics and Acid Keg.