
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Holy updated newspost, Batman!

November 17, 2003 by Tim

Yes, I live. I have returned from Virginia, where I was visiting a friend for a few days. The news posts have been nearly non-existent simply because of the fact that I try to keep this area as comic-related as possible, and all that’s been happening for the past week has been personal life stuff. […]

In Virginia

November 14, 2003 by Tim

I’m actually down in Virginia at the moment visiting a friend, in case you were wondering why the news post hasn’t been updated. The comics are still up and on time, so no need to worry there. As I mentioned earlier, the next week or so will be rather hectic for me. Thanks for your […]


November 12, 2003 by Tim

I bring to thee thy Comic Goodness. And while you’re checking stuff out, take a look at our new sponsor, Sword of Kings. It’s the website home for Matt Booker’s new Forever After series. Check it out if you’re into good fiction. If anyone in the San Diego area owns or works in a Comic […]

I have… returned

November 10, 2003 by Tim

Alright, I’m back from Virginia Beach. Nekocon was an absolute blast. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and attended my panels. I had so much fun. Expect a full convention report sometime this week. Right now I just need to rest and catch up after five days away from the internet.

October Exclusives! Winners

November 5, 2003 by Tim

Ok, I’ve chosen at random three winners from amongst the pool of people who donated in the month of October. A round of congratulations for the following people: Bobby Sokoloski: Has won a free T-Shirt! Richard Barkley: Has won a set of signed Posters! Alex MacCutchan: Has won a set of signed Posters! Remember, Donate […]

Signing off

by Tim

Alright, here it is. The last guaraunteed live news post until I return from Nekocon. Your comics will update as scheduled while I’m gone, so you don’t have to worry about missing any. If I can find a method of posting news while I’m down there, I will most certainly give you updates as to […]

Server troubles?

November 3, 2003 by Tim

No doubt some of you have been noticing some slowdown with the site, some database errors, etc. This is due primarily to the fact that we get so much traffic that we’re literally hammering the hell out of the server we’re on. Like, maxxing out a 10mbit line. I’ve spoken with my host, and when […]

The news post is up late today. The comic was up on time, but the news post was a wee bit late. Want to know why? Because I was at the post office shipping all of these. I’m lucky that I have very cool postmasters. Don’t forget: I’m going to be at Nekocon in Virginia […]

Ok, I’m just giving you all a heads up here. A lot of you will notice that the voting link to BuzzComix is gone. I have removed Ctrl+Alt+Del from the list. There comes a time for every web comic, when it reaches a certain level of success, and should really leave the toplists. A point […]

Ok, I’m just giving you all a heads up here. A lot of you will notice that the voting link to BuzzComix is gone. I have removed Ctrl+Alt+Del from the list. There comes a time for every web comic, when it reaches a certain level of success, and should really leave the toplists. A point […]

Ethan costume!

October 31, 2003 by Tim

My friend Mookie, who draws Dominic Deegan, has dressed one of his characters up as Ethan for halloween. Go check it out!

First of all, Happy Halloween everyone. I’m sure a lot of you are heading out tonite, so I just want to say be safe and don’t eat any syringe-shaped candy. There’s only one week left until Nekocon. I’ll be there all weekend as a guest, so swing by and say hi. In other news, OH […]

Guest Comic

October 29, 2003 by Tim

I did a guest comic for my friend Sam Logan over at Sam and Fuzzy. I urge you to go back and read the archives, because my guest comic is nowhere near as good as Sam’s original stuff.

Got some comicness for you today. But what else is new, right? Hunter: The Recknoning- Redeemer is supposed to come out today. I’m really looking forward to this game… the original was a blast. I’m not sure if I’ll go pick it up today though. It’s all windy and rainy here, and I’ve got a […]

Gotta love the Fig Newtons

October 27, 2003 by Tim

In less than two weeks I’ll be down in Virginia Beach at Nekocon, signing stuff, selling shirts and posters, and doing panels. At the panels you can show up, ask me questions about whatever… web comics in general, questions about Ctrl+Alt+Del, art questions, you name it. So if you can make it, swing on by. […]


October 25, 2003 by Tim

So I just fired up the Halo PC demo for the first time, getting prepared for GameDay. I went ahead and played a few games, and I never thought I’d say this about Halo, but it sucked. A lot. It is now my personal opinion that moving Halo to the PC and putting it on […]