
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Caching, part 2

April 15, 2017 by Tim

This is the latest I’ve received from Ryan at ScreenWave regarding the front page caching: We believe the issue is resolved. We made a change to the server caching first and we’re seeing the front page cache clear when you are posting comics. A few days later we made a change to invalidate users local […]


April 12, 2017 by Tim

We’ve noticed a number of users stating they’re experiencing what we believe to be a caching issue, where they visit the front page at, yet “Barrel Awareness” from April 5th is always showing as the latest comic on the front page instead of the newer comics. My guys have made some changes to the […]

Feedback and Pallet Update

April 5, 2017 by Tim

First of all, I’ve received an update on the two pallets of books bound for destinations abroad. The pallet headed to the EU is expected to arrive in port on April 16th. From there it will go to the warehouse for distribution. So if you’ve placed a preorder to secure one of those books, it’s […]

Look! New Website!

April 3, 2017 by Tim

Here it is. It’s a little overdue (the last website was over seven years old) but we finally have our new site. The basics are the same, but we’ve also moved a lot around, so I wanted to take some time to point out some of the changes you can find around the website. Latest Comic On The […]


March 31, 2017 by Tim

PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLGROUNDS (seriously, they allcapped the title) is the new hotness this week. I dig the idea of battle royale, but H1Z1 never did it for me. It’s too… arcadey? I dunno, it just didn’t click for me. PUBG is a bit more tactical, though. You get to choose when you jump out of the […]

CAD 1.0 Book Set to Australia

March 22, 2017 by Tim

Update: Response was positive enough that I’ve gone ahead and set things in motion to send a pallet of books to AUS. I’ll start taking pre-orders for those book sets in the near future, and they will be first come, first served, but as it takes some weeks for the pallet to make the trip, […]


March 19, 2017 by Tim

If you’re experiencing a problem with the website displaying in plain text, it’s because you’re accessing through HTTPS. We’re aware of the issue, but there’s little point in trying to fix it; we’re launching a new website in a week’s time. So in the meantime, if you access the website via HTTP, it should display […]

Back Button

March 10, 2017 by Tim

Well, that was it. That was our shot. Nintendo had another chance to change their ways, bring a bit of parity to our controllers. Maybe start some sort of industry standard for console game menus here in the west… but nope! They’re going to do their own thing, and all of our accidental backing out […]

EU Book Shipment Update

March 9, 2017 by Tim

And they’re off! The book pallet has been picked up and begun its journey to Germany. It’s expected to take roughly six weeks to reach its destination, but I’ll have a better idea of the timeline in a few weeks. I’ll keep you posted.


March 8, 2017 by Tim

Horizon is pretty amazing. And amazingly pretty. I’m not sure I would say it has revolutionized anything… but it does so much really well that it’s hard to find fault with it. Hard, but not impossible. When you have a really well-crafted game like Horizon, especially an open world game, I think it becomes harder […]

Tuesday Streaming

March 7, 2017 by Tim

Streaming this morning while I work. Watch live video from TimCAD on

Feels, amplified

March 6, 2017 by Tim

I’m not going to pretend I’ve ever been some sort of super macho hardass; when something gets me in the feels, it gets me. Long have I been one to get misty eyed at love stories, or tragedies or what-have-you. I’m talking about when you’re multiple seasons into a show and they drop some big […]

Patron Milestone

March 3, 2017 by Tim

Hey, we’re not too far away from our next milestone on Patron! If we hit the mark, every Patron will get an exclusive Ethan and Lucas one shot each month. That’s on top of the one that $5 Patrons receive! So even if you only pledge $1, if we reach the milestone, your pledge will […]

Update on EU Bookset Orders

February 28, 2017 by Tim

So here’s the latest on the pallet of Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 books heading to EU for distribution: The paperwork has been filled out, the freight cost has been paid, I’m now just waiting for the pallet to board the ship. This step took a little longer because the distributor wanted to rebox the sets before sending […]

Ghost Recon

February 27, 2017 by Tim

I dabbled a bit in some Ghost Recon over the weekend. I’ll be honest, me and the game got off on the wrong foot. After launching it, it switched my audio output and then forced itself to default to my secondary display (my drawing apparatus, clearly identified as secondary in Windows). Switching my audio back […]

That Ochoko Shame

February 22, 2017 by Tim

It drives me bananas when I summon someone someone into one of my Souls-y games, only to have them die right off the bat. The feeling is so much worse when it’s me that derps my way out of someone else’s game. Ochoko cups aren’t impossible to farm… Nioh is littered with the graves of other […]