
Blog posts organized in chronological order

EU Book Orders

February 10, 2017 by Tim

Note: Over half of the books going overseas are now spoken for, fyi. I’ve received enough interest in shipping a pallet of books over to the EU that I believe it’s worth doing. So with that said, let’s get the ball rolling. In the last post I pointed out that shipping one of these heavy […]


by Tim

A lot of times when I say “if you love Dark Souls, you’ll love this game”, I have to follow it up with “but it probably won’t change people’s minds if they aren’t fans of that genre.” The first part of that statement holds true for Nioh; if you’re a fan of Dark Souls/Bloodborne, you […]

UK/EU Book Orders Are A Go!

February 6, 2017 by Tim

Note: Just about half of the books going overseas are now spoken for, fyi. I’ve received enough interest in shipping a pallet of books over to the EU that I believe it’s worth doing. So with that said, let’s get the ball rolling. In the last post I pointed out that shipping one of these […]

UK/EU Book Orders Are A Go!

February 3, 2017 by Tim

I’ve received enough interest in shipping a pallet of books over to the EU that I believe it’s worth doing. So with that said, let’s get the ball rolling. In the last post I pointed out that shipping one of these heavy books from the US to the EU costs over $200 (book + shipping), […]

Starcaster #5

January 28, 2017 by Tim

If you like your Starcaster in the high-res PDF variety, you can grab issue #5 now from the store (or by being a Patron at $3+).

Alright, so, before Christmas I talked about how I was investigating methods to achieve some cheaper shipping rates on the massively heavy Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 book set for readers across the pond. The book set is a whopping 17 pounds (10 years worth of comics is no joke), and to get a copy from the US […]

Page 2?

January 18, 2017 by Tim

Happy Winter-een-mas! So, this story represents a couple of firsts that I want to take a moment to explain in detail. Yes, you’re seeing this story start at page two. Page one was this month’s Patreon exclusive comic for the $5 tier. The $5 Patron tier gets an exclusive Ethan and Lucas comic each month, […]

Ctrl+Alt+Del on Patreon

January 17, 2017 by Tim

I know a lot of people use some variation of an adblocker software, and while I certainly won’t begrudge anyone that choice, ads are the primary way a website like mine stays in business. This is what I do for a living after all, it’s how I feed my family, so it’s hard to be entirely ambivalent […]

Nintendo Switch

January 11, 2017 by Tim

Tomorrow we finally get the big livestream reveal of the Switch where, hopefully, we’ll get some details about this sucker. I’ve been anxiously waiting for this event so I can work on adding the Switch to the Console Wars, so hopefully they’re nice and forthcoming with the specifics. Moreover… I just hope it’s good, man. […]

Mass Effect Me

January 9, 2017 by Tim

I’m a little concerned about on-the-fly class changing in Mass Effect Andromeda, but I’m going to reserve true panic until we know the details behind how and why it works. If I’m being honest, I was more bothered by the combat portion of the trailer, where Ryder ran into the middle of a group of enemies […]

Let It Die

January 6, 2017 by Tim

I can’t seem to decide how I feel about Let It Die. I know for sure I have not played enough to have set an opinion in stone, let’s be clear about that. It is a game I need to experience more of, because I can tell I’ve merely scratched a surface (or gods, at […]

Rainbow Six Siege

January 4, 2017 by Tim

Picked up Rainbow Six Siege over the holiday. I played very briefly during some open beta thing before launch, but was too busy with other things when the game came out. Still, heard good things about it and always wanted to play more. Going in I guess I knew that starting fresh against people who […]

CAD 1.0 Digital

December 23, 2016 by Tim

While the box set is still available, and I am still working on a way to get some more copies overseas affordably, in case you don’t feel like carrying around a 17lb book set, the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Collection is now available in digital format.

Starcaster Pages 30 and 31

December 16, 2016 by Tim

Click to embiggen:  So, I create The Starcaster Chronicles in a comic book format. They are sized in comic book format, they are divided into issues in comic book format, and they are intended to, one day, be collected and printed in comic book format. For pages 30 and 31, I wanted to do a […]

Starcaster Vote, Issue 5, Page 23

November 30, 2016 by Tim