
Blog posts organized in chronological order

So anyway…

January 10, 2005 by Tim

Forget what I said last week about Wednesday’s comic being late. I didn’t end up going out of town. I did take the weekend off, but I’m back in the office now, back to work. One of my priorities today is to get up a list of WEMas 2005 events. The list is growing longer […]

Monkeys on tightropes

January 7, 2005 by Tim

The Winter-een-mas shirts have been printed. A huge chunk of them will be shipping out today, and the remainder will leave into the custody of the mail handler people service on Monday. So if you pre-ordered a Winter-een-mas shirt, you should have it shortly. And I am told they look absolutely maaahhhvelous. If you didn’t […]

Mmm… mighty tasty!

January 5, 2005 by Tim

I’ve got some wonderfully delicious nuggets of informational propoganda for you today. So sit back and enjoy these wonderful words of insight and magnificence. The official Winter-een-mas website. It is now in existance. This will be the one-stop mecca for all of your WEMas questions and what-to-do. I only just put it up, and it’s […]

No more WEMas shirts

January 3, 2005 by Tim

As I said, today would be the last day available to buy the Winter-een-mas 2005 shirts. The shirts are now gone from the store, never to return (until next year). I’m sorry if anyone missed the opportunity to buy one, but in the future, don’t wait until the last minute. We’re going to work very […]

The Winter-een-mas season is officially in full effect. Feel free to start wishing people a happy Winter-een-mas, and planning your Winter-een-mas festivities for the end of the month. My single goal for today is to finish putting together the Winter-een-mas website, which should, fingers crossed, be up this week sometime. It will include all existing […]

Hangover’s Eve

December 31, 2004 by Tim

I feel a certain responsibility to remind you all that should you decide to celebrate New Years Eve with alcohol, that you should do so in a responsible manner. And if you insist on getting hammered, do not drive. I don’t care if it sounds cliche, don’t get behind the wheel drunk. I need all […]

I want more snow

December 29, 2004 by Tim

We are working very hard on the new CAD forums, and they may be up as early as today. The forum system that we were using had many security leaks, including a fairly recent one which was hitting a lot of message boards pretty hard. We have switched over to a new system, imported all […]

Over and done with

December 27, 2004 by Tim

I hope everyone had a happy holiday. I got to spend at least a little bit of time with all of my family and closest friends. Overall, a good time was had. I’ll take some more picture of the Xbot statue later on, as per many requests. Winter-een-mas is right around the corner, and as […]

Shirts now available

December 23, 2004 by Tim

The Winter-een-mas T-Shirts are now available for pre-order from the store. The shirt will only be available for purchase until January 3rd, after which it will be gone forever. Ignore the fact that it says the shirts are out of stock. It says that because the shirts aren’t in stock… they haven’t even been printed […]

Happy Holidays

December 22, 2004 by Tim

There won’t be any newsposts this weekend, because I’ll be off doing christmas stuff with my family. Fingers crossed I’ll be able to announce the start of Winter-een-mas shirt pre-orders today sometime. Keep checking back for updates. In the meantime, go watch the trailer for Frank Miller’s Sin City. I was a little skeptical when […]

The forums

December 21, 2004 by Tim

The CAD forums will be down for an undetermined amount of time while we upgrade and implement some security features. I apologize for the downtime, and I will announce it here as soon as the forums are back online. Thank you for your patience.

Last day of Child’s Play

December 20, 2004 by Tim

The official Child’s Play Donation drive ends today Child’s Play raises money and toys for children’s hospitals around the country. I don’t know about you guys, but hospitals weren’t exactly my idea of “fun” when I was a kid. Hell, they’re still no fun. I think that the least we can do is try to […]

I love snow

by Tim

Actually let me clarify. I love snow from indoors, when I don’t have to go outside into it for any reason. There’s just something very simple and festive about a neighborhood covered in snow that I like. Call it quaint, or old-fashioned if you will. Of course, the effect is always nicer when you haven’t […]

Give it a rest

December 18, 2004 by Tim

Really guys, is it that big a deal that there’s an “xbox” controller on the WEMas shirt? I mean I was going to have to use some sort of controller as a base, and quite frankly, the GameCube and PS2 controllers didn’t fit the design. The Xbox controller had the best overall “generic game controller” […]


December 17, 2004 by Tim

So here’s a peek at the Winter-een-mas shirts I’m working at. This would be the “logo” of sorts, with this image appearing on the front and the thirteen verse Winter-een-mas story on the back of one shirt. And on the other shirt, this image will be on the back, with Ethan as the King of […]

First of all, thank you to everyone who emailed this week to show appreciation for the comic. You didn’t have to, but you did it anyway. I was attempting to respond to them for a while, but after the sixth bout of answering a hundred emails, only find that during that time I have received […]