
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Adios, suckers!

July 13, 2003 by Tim

Well, today officially marks the first day of my “vacation”. And boy do I need it. As of today, I am gone, for all intensive purposes, right through the end of ConnectiCon. I’ll be around somewhat, to post the guest comics, and make the news posts, but I most likely will not be answering emails […]

Update, Update, Update

July 12, 2003 by Tim

First of all, I’m sure you noticed that the site was down for a good portion of the day. We just recently moved to a newer, faster server, and most people have been noticing a huge increase in performance. Unfortunately, we forgot to turn off web-logging on the new server, and with the amount of […]

I was feeling a bit experimental last night. Now, this isn’t a permanant change… this is just something I’ve been wanting to try for a while now. It doesn’t mean it will stay this way. However, your feedback is always welcome, so if you love this new style, and would like to see the strip […]

One week away

July 11, 2003 by Tim

One more week and I’ll be at ConnectiCon. A big part of that is thanks to you. So if you’re going to be in the area, swing by. It looks like it’s going to be a blast. Also, the best time to buy a poster would be right about now. I’ll start shipping them when […]

We did it!

July 10, 2003 by Tim

Ctrl+Alt+Del will be at the 2003 ConnectiCon! I just got off the phone with the mechanic, and I will be able to both fix my car as well as pay for the convention trip, and in no small part thanks to your donations. You guys and your generosity pushed me from the “oh crap, I […]

And the diagnosis is…

July 9, 2003 by Tim

I just spoke with the mechanic. He is not entirely sure what the problem is, as he didn’t get a chance to really work on the car. However he did run a quick inspection, and he feels fairly confident that the problem lies with the distributor. The price he quoted me for the piece lies […]

Update: I honestly hadn’t expected donations for this. I did not want to lay the reponsibility for this on my fans. I feel that this is my problem, and that I’ve got to deal with it. But apparently some of you found the link for donations and decided that you wanted to help out. I […]

Sharpen those pencils!

July 7, 2003 by Tim

My friend Xero over at Konsekai: SwordWaltzer is currently on hiatus inbetween chapters of his online manga. This means no new comics for a while. But this also means that he’s accepting guest art. So if you want to whip some some cool renditions of his characters, head on over and check it out. You […]

Posters I will begin shipping them to you as soon as I get back. Your best bet for receiving a poster in the least amount of time possible is to pre-order before the convention.

So here I was, all set to give you some news as I saw fit, maybe entertain you a tad, or at the very least point you in the direction of entertainment… and what do I find as I’m cruising around the internet? Barry White, vocal representation of love how it should be, and one […]

And we’re back to normal

July 4, 2003 by Tim

Ahh normal updates. Seriously, after tomorrow I’m going to be a little burned out. I now remember what it was like to try and update every day on top of doing everything else. Sheesh. For those of you that missed it, Matt Tatum bought everyone a bonus strip yesterday via his very generous donation. So […]


July 3, 2003 by Tim

What’s this? A Thursday update?! He must be mad! MAD I TELL YOU! Today’s extra strip comes to you courtesy of Matt Tatum. Matt made a very generous donation to Ctrl+Alt+Del, and therefore bought everyone an extra strip. I allowed Matt to choose the subject matter of today’s strip, and he chose “Ethan and Lilah” […]

Gaming, baby

July 2, 2003 by Tim

Lucas continues his foray into Morrowind. I’d seriously suggest that anyone who hasn’t taken a look at this game, do so. It’s utterly enormous. I first got it when it came out a year ago, but now, between the expansions and mountains of player-created content, there is no end to what you can do in […]

Monday already?

June 30, 2003 by Tim

Sometimes days just fly by. Only a couple of mentions for you today. First, due to my little comment regarding Neverwinter Nights on Saturday, I’ve had a couple of people saying they were interested in forming a regular role playing group as well. Basically we want to form a small group of roleplayers, to meet […]

Ahh, that’s more like it.

June 28, 2003 by Tim

Today’s strip more adequately reflects my feelings regarding the subject of Star Wars Galaxies. Many of you wanted to know why exactly I didn’t like it. The answer is simple. I found it to be fuck-me-in-the-head-with-an-icepick boring. It’s purely a matter of my opinion. And it’s not a matter of disliking the genre, because I […]


June 27, 2003 by Tim

The CADMedia recruitment period has ended, and we should end up with a staff of around 20 people. I’ll be busy, and so will my current reviewers, so don’t expect much out of the section until CADMedia launches. We’re going into design phase now. As for those who applied, if I haven’t told you you […]